1648105175 Bennett says civilians who shot terrorists deserve a medal holds

Bennett says civilians who shot terrorists “deserve a medal”; holds meetings on Arab crime

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett held a meeting with members of the ministerial panel on combating crime and violence in Arab society on Wednesday, a day after a Bedouin killed four people in a terrorist attack in Beersheba.

“We are meeting tonight, one day after the heinous murderous terrorist attack in Beersheba,” Bennett said at the beginning of the meeting, according to a statement from his office. “I once again want to commend the two civilians who acted with ingenuity and courage and simply saved lives.”

The terrorist, identified as Mohammad Ghaleb Abu al-Qi’an, was shot dead by two armed civilians.

“They deserve a medal, no less than a medal, for their resourcefulness and for wanting to get involved [the terrorist],” he said. “This is how all Israelis must act in the face of a terrorist attack.”

Ministers for Justice, Home Affairs and Public Security and Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara attended the meeting with Bennett.

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Security forces acted to reach out to anyone who had direct or indirect contact with the terrorist, Bennett told ministers.

Bennett says civilians who shot terrorists deserve a medal holds

Arthur Chaimov, a bus driver who shot and killed a terrorist after a deadly knife attack in Beersheba, speaks to public broadcaster Kan on March 22, 2022. (Screenshot)

“Whoever helped and favored, inspired, instigated or cooperated – we will reach out to them,” he said.

Al-Qi’an was a freed terrorist convict from the city of Hura in the country’s southern Negev region.

Police arrested two of his brothers after the attack. According to unconfirmed media reports, the two are suspected of possibly having helped al-Qi’an. The brothers deny knowing about al-Qi’an’s plans or providing him with the knife used, Kan reported.

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Mohammad Ghaleb Abu al-Qi’an. (Courtesy)

Earlier in the day, Jewish and Arab community leaders in southern Israel met with security officials to prepare for the upcoming Jewish Passover and Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

The meeting with southern district police officers in the Ramat Negev Regional Council outside Shizaf city was attended by the head of the local authority, Eran Doron, the Mayor of Dimona, Benny Biton, Ahmad al-Assad of Lakiya, Abd al-Aziz Nassara of Kuuseife and part of Ar’ara Banegev’s Naif Abu Arar.

PM promises strong response to terror after Beersheba attack Forces

The terrorist in a deadly attack in Beersheba on March 22, 2022 lunges at a target and is shot dead. (Screenshot: Twitter)

Southern Region Police Commander Peretz Amar said the meeting comes ahead of the Jewish and Muslim holidays, which are “a sensitive time with far-reaching implications”.

Amar said all local leaders “have expressed their willingness to work together to counter extremist elements”.

Doron, Head of the Ramat Negev Regional Council, said: “It is in all of our interests to work together for the development and prosperity of the entire region and to safeguard the peace and security of our residents.”

Amid fears of a rise in violence during Ramadan, police conducted several assessments throughout the day, including examining the possibility of further terrorist attacks before the Muslim festival began, Kan said.

The assessment of continued violence came in the light of a spate of attacks over the past month, the latest of which was the stabbing in Beersheba.

A security source told the station that hate speech against the state had increased noticeably.

As a precaution, an additional 120 police officers were to be deployed in Beersheba.

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The four victims of a terrorist attack in Beersheba on March 22, 2022: Laura Yitzhak, top left; Rabbi Moshe Kravitzky, top right; Doris Yahbas, bottom left; Menahem Yehezkel, bottom right. (Social Media, courtesy)

Officials at the meetings agreed that Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in the Old City will be the most sensitive sites in the period ahead. Clashes on the Temple Mount during Ramadan in 2021 contributed to fan violence that eventually escalated into an 11-day conflict between Israel and Gaza that killed hundreds, mostly in the Palestinian enclave. There was also deadly violence between Jews and Arabs in Israel.

Officials also concluded that digital surveillance of individuals identified as a possible terror threat, such as prisoners with a security crimes background, should be stepped up.

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