1648939262 Bennett says troops foiled a ticking time bomb in a

Bennett says troops foiled a “ticking time bomb” in a raid on an Islamic Jihad cell

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett warned on Saturday that the country could face “many more” attempted terrorist attacks in the near future, after troops killed three Palestinian gunmen who were said to be on their way to launch an attack in Israel.

“We are in the midst of a concerted effort by all security forces to halt the wave of recent attacks and restore security to Israeli citizens,” Bennett said in a video statement along with Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar and his military secretary, Avi Gil, of a meeting with Top officials at Security Agency headquarters.

Referring to the overnight raid that killed three Islamic Jihad operatives, Bennett said security forces “thwarted a ticking time bomb.” Officials said the cell planned to enter Israel from the West Bank and carry out a gun attack.

“We certainly anticipate that there will be many more attempts, and we are working to prevent them,” Bennett said. “Our people are acting with great courage 24/7 in a hostile and violent environment, and I wish to extend a speedy recovery to those injured in the operation.”

Speaking of an elite officer seriously injured in the operation, Bennett said, “He is one of the best field commanders in the State of Israel.” Chief Superintendent S. is said to have played a key role in several deadly counter-terrorism operations and arrests of “prominent terrorists” over the past 20 years to have.

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A string of deadly terrorist attacks killed 11 people in a week in Israel, including a shooting that killed five on Tuesday, putting Israeli security forces on high alert. The escalation came at the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan – often a time of high tension in Israel and the West Bank.

Bennett says troops foiled a ticking time bomb in a

IDF soldiers can be seen in the West Bank in an image released by the military on April 2, 2022. (Israel Defense Forces)

Noting the increased deployment of security forces in Israeli cities, Bennett said the goal is to allow citizens to go about their normal lives.

“Terror is not new. One time it’s Hamas, one time it’s Islamic Jihad, this time there’s some involvement from Daesh,” he said, using an Arabic acronym for Islamic State. Two of the most recent attacks have involved Arab Israelis with ties to the Islamic State. “We will get through this difficult time,” he said.

Meanwhile, Defense Secretary Benny Gantz Gantz conducted a security assessment with Bar, military chief Aviv Kohavi and other senior security officials following the night’s shooting near Jenin.

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Secretary of Defense Benny Gantz tours a lookout point in the West Bank on April 1, 2022. (Ariel Hermoni/Department of Defense)

Gantz praised the soldiers involved in the raid, including those injured.

“We continue to work around the clock… to protect Israeli citizens,” he said.

Israeli officials have sought to defuse tensions ahead of Ramadan amid fears the violence could spark the same type of unrest that rocked Israel in May 2021, when Hamas began firing rockets at Israel, sparking an 11-day war with Gaza and days after sparked unrest between Arabs and Jews in Israel.

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