Benny Gantz in the USA sees Kamala Harris (behind Netanyahu): “ administration in Gaza with countries in the region”

Benny Gantz You take the scene a Washingtonmeet the American Vice President Kamala Harris without the consent of the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and presents his plans publicly (together with the White House) about the future in Gaza Strip. The leader of the National Unity Party Israeli, leader in the polls and member of the War Cabinet takes a step towards overcoming the Netanyahu era and after the summit with Harris and the national security adviser Jake Sullivan asks to “establish oneInternational administration” in the strip “in collaboration with countries in the region and in the context of promoting Normalization processes“.

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A move that will not have pleased the most extremist members of the government of national unity, the ministers Itamar Ben-Gvir And Bezalel Smotrichwho ask about it total war in the Palestinian enclave, military occupation of it and full support illegal settlementsbut not even to Netanyahu himself, who was overtaken by Gantz after being denied an interview with him Joe Bidenwith whom relations are becoming increasingly colder, without him being able to afford to abandon the ally of expediency.

The priorities of the new Gantz-USA line are therefore to create an extraordinary administration of the Gaza Strip, which, after the defeat of Hamas, will make it possible to manage the enclave until it is possible to bring it under the government of a state leavePalestinian Authority reformed, giving priority to delivery during this period humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza. Of course, all of this is also aimed at this Release of the hostages Israelis are still in the hands of Hamas. Harris asserted that she and Joe Biden have been “agreed and consistent from the start” on Israel's right to defend itself, but also that too many innocent Palestinian civilians have been killed, that more help is needed and that the hostages had to be released.

To America, where he will also meet the Foreign Minister on Tuesday Antony BlinkenGantz will leave for Great Britain, where he will meet the Foreign Minister in London David Cameron.

International media are now reporting that the new… Interviews for the ceasefire that has existed in Cairo for two days between Hamas and the mediators USA and Qatar, yes interrupted Without success: Israel's delegates did not appear at the table on Saturday and accused the Islamist group of not providing complete information about the hostages who were still alive. A version disputed by senior Egyptian sources told state broadcaster Al Qahera said that “there are difficulties but talks on Gaza continue.” Bassem Naim, a senior Hamas official, said he had presented a proposal to mediators and was waiting for a response from Tel Aviv. At this point there are only a few days left to end the fighting in time March 10ththe beginning of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting and prayer.

The Foreign Minister also spoke this morning about the ceasefire, which is becoming increasingly distant Antonio Tajaniwho speaks before the vote in plenary Aspides mission in the Red Sea: “On a political and diplomatic level, it is essential to achieve a sustainable ceasefire in Gaza.” And this also in order to reduce regional tensions. “Italy calls for a longer and permanent pause in hostilities leading to a permanent ceasefire, as also called for in UN Security Council Resolutions 2712 and 2720,” he said. “There Bread massacre” of February 29, in which over a hundred Palestinians were killed as they crowded around aid trucks, “requires us to intensify our efforts to reach a ceasefire as quickly as possible.” “We have asked Israel to increase the momentum to accurately determine the facts and responsibilities,” added the Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of Farnesina.

For Tajani, “it is important to work for a quick release of the hostages, but also to bring all hostages to the Gaza Strip.” Food aid “This is necessary” to avoid “an even more devastating humanitarian catastrophe”: for this reason he announces “a coordinated humanitarian initiative”. Food for Gaza. “I plan to meet at the Foreign Ministry next week for an initial discussion with the Red Crescent and other organizations. The aim is to create a system that makes it easier to access help and alleviates the suffering of the population,” he explains.