Berlin is planning proposals to help farmers

Berlin is planning proposals to help farmers

The traffic light coalition in Germany aims to present concrete plans in the first quarter to ease the burden on farmers. Recently there have been great Farmer protests. Appropriate measures must now be decided by summer. This emerges from a proposed resolution for the Bundestag, on which the coalition factions are based SPD, Greens and FDP agreed on Tuesday in accordance with the dpa.

See more information: First farmers, then railways: how protests and strikes are affecting Germany

Concrete relief roadmap

Farmers protested against the federal government in Berlin Diesel discounts want to remove it gradually. Leader of the SPD parliamentary group Rolf Mützenich said on Monday, after a conversation between the leaders of the semaphore parliamentary groups and representatives of the farmers' associations, that the coalition intended to present a draft resolution with a timetable for concrete relief by the summer holidays for an agricultural debate in the Bundestag On thursday.

Read more: How likely are farmers’ protests in Austria

The application, without going into concrete aid figures, deals with a “modernization process” towards ecologically and economically sustainable agriculture prepared for the long-term future. In climate terms, this must be sustainable and at the same time offer companies an economic perspective.

See more information: Farmers want to paralyze Germany: warning about infiltration by right-wing extremists