Berlinale Protest against right wing extremism at the start

Berlinale: Protest against right wing extremism at the start

Filmmakers such as Jella Haase and Katja Riemann called for the defense of democracy. During the action, everything was quiet on the red carpet.

Numerous actors and actresses took a stand against right-wing extremism at the Berlinale's grand opening gala. In a protest organized by the film festival itself, filmmakers such as Jella Haase and Katja Riemann shouted “Defend Democracy”. They held their cell phone lights in the air and the red carpet was silent during the event.

“By rejecting the AfD, the Berlinale clearly took a stand against right-wing extremism in Germany. On the opening night, the Berlinale invites a group of filmmakers to the red carpet to set an example of democracy, diversity and peaceful coexistence,” said a statement from the film festival. The backdrop to the protests was a debate over the invitation and disinvitation of several AfD politicians to the opening gala. Several people wore buttons on the carpet that read “Berlinale against right-wing extremism”.

Glitter necklace with “Fck AfD” inscription

Actress Pheline Roggan (“Jerks”) wore a sparkly necklace reading “Fck AfD,” model and businessman Papis Loveday held a sign reading “No Racism! No AfD!”

When asked why it was so important for her to set an example of democracy, Haase said: “Because it shocks me with the indifference, with the normality, with which people almost go to the polls and put their cross on the parties that simply and obvious make a name for themselves with radical right-wing ideas.”

»I like the Berlinale because she always opens her mouth and says something.«



Actress Emilia Schüle said she felt better that there were no AfD representatives present. The Berlinale is a political festival. Oscar-nominated director Wim Wenders (“Perfect Days”) saw the situation in a similar way – and praised the film festival for it: “The Berlinale has traditionally been the most political of the big festivals, it’s not left out now and that too it won’t happen in the future,” said the 78-year-old. “I like the Berlinale because she always opens her mouth and says something.”

After the large demonstrations against right-wing extremism and the AfD, the debate is currently receiving a lot of attention. Party representatives were initially invited – as always – to the opening and announced that they would attend. After unloading, some people at the edge of the carpet held signs with the inscription “Berlinale – Discrimination is the program”.

Posters honor Hanau victims

There were also other political actions on the carpet. Several people held up posters in memory of the victims of the racist attack in Hanau in 2020, whose anniversary was on February 19.

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