1678962589 Best Free VPN for Switzerland 3 Options to Consider in

Best Free VPN for Switzerland: 3 Options to Consider in 2023 Lemon Squeezer

Looking for a VPN for Switzerland but prefer free software? Rest assured, while few providers can match your needs, we have services to recommend. As a reminder, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) is software that must ensure your online security and confidentiality, but also gives you access to various benefits such as obtaining a Swiss IP.

What are the best free VPNs for Switzerland and what can you do with them? The answers immediately.

Benefit from a premium VPN for free in Switzerland: explanations

Why go for a 100% free service when you can use a paid VPN for free?

Given the many restrictions that come with free VPNs for Switzerland, we decided to present you with a tip first. Thanks to the latter, you can use a premium virtual private network for free for a period of 30 to 45 days. So you can say goodbye to bandwidth limitations, small number of servers, covered countries and features, or even lack of security and reliability.

Read the following lines if you are interested. Otherwise, go a little further down in this article to find out the name of the best free VPN in Switzerland.

ExpressVPN: Try it for 30 days without obligation

We won’t keep you waiting and for this article we present our favorite: ExpressVPN. If you already know the provider, you might know that it’s actually worth it. How do you get ExpressVPN for free? It is actually quite simple.

The trick is to take advantage of the supplier’s fairly flexible terms of sale, particularly their “satisfaction or return” guarantee. With ExpressVPN, this guarantee extends over a period of 30 days. This allows you to subscribe to the offer of your choice, use it for one month and then request cancellation before the warranty expires. You will then be fully refunded.

Discover ExpressVPN Free (30 Days)

But what to expect with this free VPN for Switzerland? ExpressVPN is the market leader for many and as such offers the highest quality of service. For security reasons, it encrypts your browsing data with a powerful algorithm and completely hides your IP address. So you are anonymous online, in Switzerland as well as in France.

Free trial of ExpressVPN

© ExpressVPN

That way nobody can find out what you do online, not even your employer or your ISP. ExpressVPN also applies a zero-logs policy for greater privacy. From a practical point of view, the ExpressVPN application is very pleasant and easy to use, adapting to a variety of media (computer, tablet, smartphone, smart TV, connected box).

This application also gives you access to many servers around the world, located in a total of 94 countries. And if we tell you about ExpressVPN as an excellent free VPN for Switzerland, it is because among the countries covered we find Switzerland.

You can have an IP address in this country with one click. You are then virtually on site and can access the content of this country with peace of mind, even if you are not actually there. In addition, if you are actually in Switzerland, the provider’s servers in France (and elsewhere) allow you to bypass the geoblocks applied by foreign platforms and websites.

Bandwidth here is unlimited and connection speeds are optimal, making it the fastest VPN of 2023. Support is available 24/7. You will agree that being able to use ExpressVPN for free is a godsend.

Check out the ExpressVPN service review for more details.

CyberGhost: Free for up to 45 days

Once your free period with ExpressVPN ends, you can try again with a new provider if you don’t want to upgrade to a paid plan. And in this case, CyberGhost stands out as obvious. Almost as good as ExpressVPN, this provider has a money-back guarantee that can last up to 45 days (for any subscription over 1 month).

And if we present it to you in this comparison of free VPNs in Switzerland, it is because the infrastructures allow it. In fact, CyberGhost has several thousand servers around the world, some of which are located in Switzerland. Thus, not only can you benefit from a Swiss IP address, but also from a French, American IP, etc.

Try CyberGhost (45 days)

In addition, CyberGhost’s servers enable high-speed speeds for smooth browsing, including for streaming, gaming or P2P, activities for which the provider has optimized servers. But CyberGhost’s benefits don’t stop there. This editor is also very satisfactory in terms of the security it offers.

Free CyberGhost Trial

© CyberGhost

It offers you 100% anonymous browsing and has a strict no-logging policy. No matter where you are, you are insured and your privacy is respected. This is especially noticeable on public WiFi networks that you may need to use.

For the practical side, you should know that the CyberGhost application is compatible with the main operating systems: Windows, Android, macOS, iOS, Linux. And on all of these devices, you’ll enjoy unlimited bandwidth and ongoing support.

Thanks to our tip, you now know the best free VPNs in Switzerland. However, you may be looking for a 100% free, long-term solution. We have a supplier to offer you for this.

ProtonVPN: the best totally free VPN for Switzerland

If you don’t like the software featured above or how it works, we have a 100% free solution to show you: ProtonVPN.

This provider, which is also based in Switzerland (which is great for your privacy), offers a free, unlimited-time deal that doesn’t require you to enter a credit card.

The security with this tool is very good and its application can be installed on a maximum of devices, especially those running on Windows, Android, iOS or macOS. The ProtonVPN application is intuitive and most beginners will quickly find their feet. On the plus side, it’s also worth noting that ProtonVPN is one of the few free VPNs for Switzerland that offers unlimited bandwidth.

ProtonVPN Windows app

Windows App © ProtonVPN

However, one should keep in mind that ProtonVPN will unfortunately fall behind in some respects compared to the premium VPNs presented above. In terms of infrastructure in particular, ProtonVPN is a lot less impressive than ExpressVPN and CyberGhost.

In its free version, the service only gives you access to a hundred servers. These only cover 3 countries: the United States, the Netherlands and Japan. And no, ProtonVPN doesn’t cover Switzerland or France in its free plan, so you can’t get an IP address located in those countries.

ProtonVPN is also a bit slower and doesn’t support torrenting. Also note that if in doubt, ProtonVPN free customer support is only available via email.

So that in itself is nothing dramatic, and ProtonVPN can still be used for Switzerland if you don’t intend to geoblock that area. You just need to study your needs carefully before making a decision.

Discover ProtonVPN

Free VPN in Switzerland: the pros and cons

Now you know the best free VPNs for Switzerland. But before we leave you, we would like to add some useful information about it.

Reasons to use a free VPN for Switzerland

If you’re looking for a free VPN for Switzerland, you probably already have an idea of ​​what you’re going to do with it. However, you may not know all the advantages of this software. In fact, Virtual Private Networks have many hats. They should primarily ensure your security on the Internet.

With such a service, you are protected when traveling in Switzerland, but also everywhere else and in all networks. So say goodbye to the risks of piracy, usurpation and espionage. But VPNs, and VPNs for Switzerland in particular, have another benefit we mentioned earlier: bypassing geoblocks.

By allowing you to have an IP address in that country, these tools actually change your perceived localization virtually. This makes Swiss sites/platforms think you’re really in the country and open their doors to you even when you’re not there.

For example, streaming programs, game servers, websites or even Swiss TV channels from France can be easily unblocked.

But this advantage also works the other way: if you are in Switzerland, you can use an IP address elsewhere, for example in France, to access content that is not normally accessible. Finally, let’s mention one last advantage of this software: in the case of a free VPN for Switzerland, all this costs you nothing.

Free VPN for Switzerland

© ExpressVPN

More limited than their premium counterparts

One thing you surely noticed while reading this article: Free services are of lower quality than paid services. It’s a fact, and that’s why we told you our trick to having a premium VPN for free for a period of time.

But then what are the real differences between paid VPNs and free VPNs for Switzerland? Especially with the security and confidentiality that is required, it is necessary to be very vigilant in the case of completely free offers. In fact, it’s not uncommon to find vendors who sell your personal and browsing information to various organizations for funding.

In addition, as far as we know, free VPNs do not have servers in Switzerland. This prevents you from being able to access Swiss content from outside the territory via an IP address in this country.

Their smaller infrastructures (fewer servers in fewer countries) also result in lower performance, especially in terms of connection speeds. Activities such as streaming or online gaming may therefore be affected. If you choose one of the best VPNs today, you will not encounter these difficulties.

Conclusion: which free VPN to choose for Switzerland?

Now you have all the information you need to choose the best free VPN. In short, such a tool brings you security and freedom online, whether in Switzerland or elsewhere.

And for accessing 100% free software, the best you can find is ProtonVPN. With its unlimited bandwidth and high-quality application, it represents a very good compromise.

However, note that thanks to the money-back guarantee, you can access a more successful service by using premium VPNs for free. The best VPN for Switzerland is undoubtedly ExpressVPN, which you can try for free for 30 days.

Try ExpressVPN with no obligation