Best new Canadian restaurants three Quebec establishments in top 10

Best new Canadian restaurants: three Quebec establishments in top 10

For the 22nd year, Air Canada’s enRoute magazine has released its shortlist of the ten best new Canadian restaurants. This rewards innovative tables that saw the light of day between the end of spring 2022 and May 31, 2023.

Published at 8:15 p.m.


Of the eight Quebec restaurants that made the long list of 30 addresses visited by a single culinary critic, three earned a spot on the list. The intimate Bonheur d’occasion in Montreal’s Saint-Henri neighborhood is in sixth place. Molière by Mousso, a large brasserie in Espace St-Denis led by chef Antonin Mousseau-Rivard, is in ninth place, followed by Espace Old Mill, a superb farmhouse restaurant in Stanbridge East.

Canada’s “best new restaurant” is in Toronto. This is Kappo Sato, whose chef Takeshi Sato worked at a Michelin-starred restaurant called Ukai in Tokyo. The omakase-style restaurant offers a two-and-a-half-hour service, with all dishes prepared in front of guests at the counter.

As is often the case, Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia share almost all of the nominations. Manitoba placed fifth with Petit Socco in Winnipeg.