betrayal is very serious The shameful gesture in the

betrayal is very serious | The shameful gesture in the light of the sun Metropolis News

Maria DeFilippiMaria De Filippi (Mediaset Infinity image) –

Humiliating news related to the dating show “Men and Women”: fans are disappointed by what happened, the betrayal is profound, nothing remains.

The news of the incident is hard to swallow for fans of the most popular Italian dating show of all time. Thanks to Maria DeFilippiwhich guides him from the beginning, and to the skill of the editorial staff Throughout the program, male and female viewers have always had the pleasure of witnessing generally transparent promotional relationships and rejoicing when some couples last over time.

Unfortunately, this time the connection with the program men and women is not synonymous with good news in this case: in fact, it is a case of betrayal, confirmed by the person concerned, leading to a break apparently final.

Indeed, the unfortunate protagonist is the former suitor and Tronista of Men and Women Julia Cavagliawhich the public had become very fond of thanks to the melting of its initial armor, which it had shown in the courtship of the Tronista Lorenzo Riccardiwho then preferred the other applicant.

It is a Treason immediately outside of the program, which obviously didn’t bring her much luck: Cavaglià did cheated on by her boyfriendwho also became famous through a TV show, more specifically a talent show.

Giulia’s mysterious traitor

It is one of the competitors of MasterChef Italy 11The program includes a series of tests in which participants must demonstrate their technical and creative skills in the kitchen.

Giulia Cavaglia was actually linked to Federico Chimirri: The two seemed so in love that Cavaglià put himself at his disposal to help him achieve his dream open a restaurant in Milan.

Julia CavagliaGiulia Cavaglià (Instagram profile picture) –

From airport deception to sentimental deception

Recently, Giulia Cavaglià has been at the center of a media storm over her reaction to the politics of one airline: Flight attendants refused to let her on the plane because the influencer showed up at the gate a few minutes late. Julia’s video visibly angryit became viral.

It would have been better to sit back and report to the airline than to have to address a nasty story, such as partner betrayal. Giulia wrote a few summarizing lines about what happened: “I just found out that my boyfriend is cheating on me. So yes, we broke up. And I don’t want any questions about what happened.”.

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