Beyonce almost suffers from wardrobe malfunction backup dancer saves her

Beyoncé almost suffers from wardrobe malfunction, backup dancer saves her – TMZ

Beyoncé almost suffers from wardrobe malfunction… backup dancer saves her

6/24/2023 2:04 PM PT

Beyonce Earlier this week, she almost fell out of her top during a live show in Germany – but one of her backup dancers spotted the problem before it became a disaster… and played the hero.

The singer gave a concert in Hamburg on Wednesday, and while she was in the middle of performing “Break My Soul,” almost a wardrobe malfunction unfolded live in front of everyone — namely that her left breast was about to pop out of her skin-tight outfit .

Bey was hopping around up there doing her best, and several people remarked that something was going to be undone soon, and soon. Beyoncé herself doesn’t seem to have really noticed… but luckily for her, someone who was on stage with her did.

It turned out that one of the brothers from French dance group Les Twins – who were both acting as backup dancers for the performance – rushed over to provide cover.

Not only was the guy blocking what would inevitably become a nip-slip only… but a closer look, taken by someone seated in the front row, shows that he was actually tugging at her top and doing it again for her moved to his place … all of a sudden the dancing started again.

It all happened so quickly… and Bey, as professional as she is, never missed a step. If you weren’t paying attention, you might not even have noticed that a miracle was happening.

As you can imagine, the guy gets credited/patted on the back for taking the action…because honestly, the whole situation could have been very embarrassing.

It doesn’t look like Les Twins or Bey have addressed that yet… but honestly, there’s nothing really to say. Disaster was averted and one has to imagine that Beyoncé is grateful for the rescue.

Now for the how Jay Z could see everything…maybe another story. Mixed feelings very? 😅