1705051583 Bianca Berlinguer after the Striscia outbreak She39s not leaving she39s

Bianca Berlinguer after the Striscia outbreak: She's not leaving, she's staying at Mediaset

Bianca Berlinguer ready to say goodbye to Mediaset? A fair question, but the answer is no. Fanpage.it sources categorically deny this hypothesis, although the outbursts on Striscia, in which the journalist complains about the content of her new broadcast, have caused a certain outcry.

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Bianca Berlinguer after the Striscia outbreak She39s not leaving she39s

We're still talking about it from Strip and, after the huge Giambruno case which even led to the announcement of the end of the relationship between the journalist and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, this time at the center of the videos of Antonio Ricci's program that ends Bianca Berlinguer.

The journalist, protagonist of the summer telemarketing and who moved from Rai to Mediaset this season, was immortalized when she disputed the quality of the services of her team for the new broadcast “Before tomorrow”, broadcast daily on Rete4. “The pieces are pathetic,” Berlinguer tells his team, he talks about “garbage” and then says a sentence that sparks discussion: “Until Friday, then it’s over.”

No farewell from Berlinguer to Mediaset

Bianca Berlinguer ready to say goodbye to Mediaset? The question is legitimate, but The answer is no. According to Fanpage.it sources, the journalist will not leave the company and her outburst, physiological for a television project in the first hours of life, in a completely new space for her team, the daily, would not herald a conspiracy twist.

Bianca Berlinguer live on È semper Cartabianca: “It's not an easy situation here. How am I? In short”

Berlinguer will challenge Lilli Gruber before tomorrow

“Prima di Tomorrow” started on January 8th and replaced “Stasera Italia”, which Nicola Porro had inherited from Barbara Palombelli. A fundamental space for the project that Mediaset promoted on Rete 4, transformed into a network of information and in-depth analysis, in direct competition with Otto e Mezzo by Lilli Gruber. A space that, precisely because of the peculiarities of everyday life, could be affected by a change in the habits of the viewer. As the weeks go by, we have to understand what results Bianca Berlinguer will achieve in terms of ratings.

What Bianca Berlinguer said at the Striscia rally

Striscia La NOTEIA aired an outburst by Bianca Berlinguer in the episode of Thursday, January 11, 2024, which took place during Prima di Tomorrow, the new prime-time daily gravure program on Rete 4. The outburst, which took place in the first episode of the program, shows the presenter as the protagonist, who criticizes the reports at the end of the recording of the program: “The pieces are pathetic, really pathetic. And now the weekly ones are also pathetic. It was a decent piece. The one from La Pala was also bad. Anyway, let them come tomorrow because I have to tell them, pieces like that are pathetic, I have to tell them. The obligation? But what if it's all wrong. Don't give them instructions, they behave poorly. You're doing this nonsense.” Then he threatens to leave: “These are my last three days, I'll tell the manager. Until Friday, then it's over. I’m not kidding, joking aside, what do I care?”