1705290501 Bianca Guaccero like her mother did but someone disagrees and

Bianca Guaccero “like her mother did” but someone disagrees and controversy arises Spetteguless

Bianca Guaccero – Spetteguless.it

The actress has sparked a real controversy on social media with her latest photo. Bianca Guaccero wanted to look natural, without makeup and various filters. However, some found her not very sincere.

Bianca Guaccero

Bianca Guaccero

We met her first as an actress and then as a singer and performer: Bianca Guaccero He continues to capture the public's attention, not only for his artistic talent but also for his social media presence.

Guaccero passed by Film set on the big stage of Rai 1 I show that I have enough talent to make the best of it. Bianca published a photo on Instagram that shows her in a moment of private relaxation, in a bathrobe and without makeup.

At least that's what he states in the tags in the IG post's caption. And it was precisely these words of his that sparked the web controversy.

Bianca Guaccero “unvarnished”: The photo is not convincing and controversy arises

The caption “no make-up” used by Bianca Guaccero, However, it elicited mixed reactions from his followers. While some appreciated her decision to appear natural, others expressed doubts. emphasize how, despite the lack of obvious makeupHowever, the actress had false eyelashes, eyebrows and colored lips, presumably from a tattoo.

The discussion surrounding the photo of Bianca Guaccero reopens the debate about the perception of natural beauty in the age of social media. The term “natural” becomes blurred when the trend towards semi-permanent aesthetic treatments comes into play, such as eyebrow tattooing or permanent make-up. These now common interventions redefine the boundaries between the natural and the artificially enhanced.

This is how it developed among Bianca's fans under the post a “lively” exchange of opinions. On the one hand, there are those who defend her and argue that her decision to appear unvarnished and natural is a sign of authenticity and closeness to her followers, ordinary people. These fans appreciate his willingness to show himself without filters, at a time when images on social media are often carefully curated and edited. On the other hand, some criticize the use of the term “no make-up” when traces of even very obvious aesthetic treatments can be seen.

In short, that was Bianca's intention I posted a simple photo but the caption ruined everything. SWithout meaning to, with her latest shot the actress has addressed a very current issue: that of her own image, which is presented on social media and which tends to contrast, almost to the contrary, with the real image. This dualism sometimes even leads us to distort our own perception of the image we have of ourselves, which almost never has positive consequences.