1668415706 Biden is shielding himself after the surprise Democrat win in

Biden is shielding himself after the surprise Democrat win in Nevada that keeps him in control of the Senate

Although pundits and polls predicted that the Democratic Party would struggle to hold the Nevada Senate seat, it eventually succeeded. And in doing so, he not only managed to retain control of the Upper House, but also dashed hopes of the “red wave” that Republicans expected ahead of the midterm elections. While the fate of the House of Representatives remained uncertain as the opposition fought for a narrow majority there, the Democrat win in the Senate makes it more difficult for Republicans to thwart US President Joe Biden’s legislative agenda.

Senator Catherine Cortez Masto’s victory in Nevada gave Democrats the 50 seats they needed to retain the Senate. His victory reflects the surprising strength of Democrats in the United States this election year. Seeking re-election in an economically troubled state with some of the highest gas prices in the country, Cortez Masto was considered the most vulnerable member of the Senate, adding to the frustration of Republicans who had hoped she would be defeated, The Associated Press.

Biden is shielding himself after the surprise Democrat win in Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, D-Nevada, takes the stage during a news conference to celebrate her victory in the Senate race November 13, 2022 in Las Vegas. Photo: AP

“I’m feeling good and looking forward to the next two years,” said Biden, who said he wasn’t surprised by the result, which he said reflected “the quality” of his candidates and that “they were all defending the same thing.” programme.” In this context, the President hailed the unity shown by his party’s candidates in these elections, in presenting a common front on such divisive issues as abortion rights. “There is no one who would like another speech held,” he said of the ASEAN/EAS Summit in Cambodia.

Biden also blamed the Republican Party’s poor performance in the United States general election on a lack of clarity in their messages, delivered in a general speech intoxicated by the constant presence of former President Donald Trump. “I heard it from someone in the press: ‘All Trump has done is expose what the Republican Party really is,'” the Democratic president said. “I think what they have to decide now, like we’ve done in the past, is who they are,” he added.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer celebrated the win Saturday night with a tweet, “Your Democratic Senate Majority!” He described it as “victory and vindication” for the Democrats and their platform. He also accused the Republican Party of fueling fear and division during the campaign. “The American people rejected the undemocratic, authoritarian, evil, divisive direction that MAGA Republicans (for Trump) wanted to take in our country,” he said.

With the results already decided in Nevada, Georgia is the only state where both parties are still fighting for a Senate seat. Incumbent Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock will face Republican challenger Herschel Walker in a runoff on December 6th. But even if Walker were to win and both parties had 50 seats, Vice President Kamala Harris would have a tied vote.

If Warnock won the Georgia vote, the 51-49 majority would give Democrats an added advantage by passing the few bills that can be moved forward with a simple majority, rather than the 60 required for most legislation . “Now we are concentrating on Georgia. We feel good where we are,” Biden said Sunday in Cambodia. “It’s just better,” he commented. “The higher the number, the better.”

1668415698 211 Biden is shielding himself after the surprise Democrat win in Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer speaks during a news conference in New York on November 13, 2022. Photo: AP

But just by securing control of the Senate, Democrats could easily confirm the president’s judge nominees, including hypothetical appointments for the Supreme Court, as well as for local courts. The Democratic majority in the Upper House could also reject bills introduced by a Republican House of Representatives and would have more advantages in negotiating decisions such as raising the debt ceiling or government funding that a purely Republican Congress would have used as a tool to attack Biden, Europa Press notes out.

In addition, the Senate could act as a “shield” against the avalanche of investigations promised by those responsible in the Republican Party against the President’s son Hunter, should they win control of the House of Representatives at the end of the elections.

In that regard, Republicans were still close to taking control of the House of Representatives while officials continue to count votes. It could be several days before the results of enough elections are known to determine which party controls this 435-seat chamber.

1668415699 357 Biden is shielding himself after the surprise Democrat win in Donald Trump with then-Florida gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis at an event in Pensacola on November 3, 2018. Photo: AP

The results of several elections kept arriving, including in liberal-minded California. So far, Republicans have won 211 of the 218 seats required for a majority, ahead of Democrats with 205. According to NBC News, Republicans will have a majority of just five seats, 220 to 215.

Even House President Democrat Nancy Pelosi warned Sunday that Republican Kevin McCarthy may not have enough votes to succeed her in office even if there is a Republican majority in the House of Representatives. “Why value something that may or may never happen? no I don’t think they have them, but that’s up to their own people, who have to make a decision about where they want to go,” Pelosi told CNN.

A complete defeat in both houses would also have been a blow to the legitimacy of President Biden, who would have been forced to enact legislation by decree presented by the Democratic Party. “It’s critical to maintain control of the Senate, if only as a bulwark against every bad idea Republicans have,” Democratic political scientist Bill Manley told Vox.

Given Republicans’ mediocre results — even if they win a narrow majority in the House of Representatives — Trump has been accused of pushing candidates who failed to attract a large enough electorate.

A Republican defeat in Georgia could further erode the popularity of Trump, who advisers plan to announce a third run for president this week in 2024. “President Trump will announce Tuesday that he is running for President,” said Jason Miller. an adviser to the former president. The result could increase the chances that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who defeated his Democratic challenger on Tuesday, will challenge Trump for the 2024 presidential nomination.

After losing to Biden in the 2020 presidential election, the Republican mogul promoted baseless cheating allegations, some of which led to an unprecedented riot on Washington’s Capitol Hill on Jan. 6, 2021.

Though more than 100 Republican candidates contesting the results of the 2020 presidential election won their respective races, some of Trump’s favorites lost key seats to Democrats.