Bidens approval for the presidency falls to the lowest level

Biden’s approval for the presidency falls to the lowest level since arriving at the White House

Just two weeks after the start of his re-election campaign, the President of USA, Joe Biden, He is in free fall in the polls, with just 36% of respondents endorsing his management, the lowest level since he took office.

According to the latest Washington Post and ABC News poll, “The approval rating of biden is underwater among a multitude of groups who have given him wide support in 2020.

In the same demographic study, 54% of respondents said the former President donald trump managed the economy better, compared to 36% who thought so biden he was better at this subject.

“The figures of the surveys of biden They are awful and traditionally point out that this is a president running for a second term. As always with donald trump In the equation, political traditions count for little, but biden He has yet to show that he can lead the country away from the twin crises: the economy and immigration,” he said. David Charter to The Times.

Biden’s age is a handicap

The Washington Post/ABC News poll reveals something even deeper than biden Little you can do: Growing concerns about your age: 63% of Americans say they don’t Capability four more years of service, compared to 54% who believed so in 2022 and 43% in 2020.

That’s a weakness Trump card wanted to take advantage of by throwing darts biden over their intellectual abilities USA. According to the same survey when asked who has a good physical health effectively serving as President supported 64% Trump card and only 33% support it biden.

54% of those surveyed think so too Trump card has the mental acuity it takes to serve effectively as president, while 32% believe the same of the president biden.