Biden39s campaign team assures Trump39s party doesn39t give a damn

Biden's campaign team assures: “Trump's party doesn't give a damn about Latinos”

The election campaign of the President of the United States, Joe Biden, expressed sharp criticism of former Republican President Donald Trump before his appearance at the important conservative convention CPAC. In this sense, a spokesman for the head of state's party emphasized that “Trump's team has no interest in Latinos.”

Maca Casadowho is leading the communications strategy for the Hispanic community in Joe Biden's campaign, opposed the immigration policies proposed by Donald Trump, who is the Republican primary candidate in the November election and who used hostile language toward immigrants at his election campaign rallies.

Trump has suggested that immigrants are “polluting” the fabric of the nation and has proposed everything from mass deportations to creating large detention centers for irregular immigrants in the United States.

Biden39s campaign team assures Trump39s party doesn39t give a damnThe statement also said that the former US president had not ruled out the possibility that migrant families would be separated at the border again, as he did during his time in office. Photo: @casadomaca/X (formerly Twitter).

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He has also considered the possibility of reinstating the separation of migrant families at the border, a policy Trump has already used during his presidency.

“Just a few days ago we learned of Donald Trump's plan to separate more families, use combat soldiers to set up mass internment camps, and round up migrants like cattle… And he still believes he can appeal to the election to make Latino sterile “Attempt a CPAC?” Casado said in a statement to US media.

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The spokesman recalled that the former president, who ruled the US between 2017 and 2021, “constantly demonized and criminalized Latinos for his political advantage.”

“Trump has used his time as president to repeatedly attack and despise the Latino community, he has parroted phrases from dictators and authoritarian leaders… and he has even said on multiple occasions that immigrants are poisoning the country's blood,” Casado added added, the citizen born in Venezuela.

The speaker then declared that the Hispanic community knew the truth: “Trump's party doesn't give a damn about Latinos.”

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It should be recalled that Trump has expressed his intention to resort to a series of laws ratified by Congress in 1789, the so-called “Alien and Sedition Acts,” which authorize the government to “remove foreign men from enemy countries” in times of conflict to be arrested and deported.

These actions could take us back to times gone by, particularly the 1950s in the United States, when approximately 1.3 million undocumented Mexican migrants were expelled during the administration of Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961), which meant deportation. The largest in American history.