Bidens son is suing the US tax authority IRS The

Biden’s son is suing the US tax authority IRS The Antagonist

Hunter Biden (photo), son of US President Joe Biden, filed a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) this Monday (18). He accuses the members of the board of illegally disclosing information about their financial reports.

Hunter’s companies have been the target of allegations, particularly from Republicans, since the 2020 election and have been under congressional scrutiny for months. These allegations were responsible for the impeachment motion against Biden made by Kevin McCarthy, the Republican and leader of the House of Representatives, on the 12th.

The lawsuit filed Monday references “more than 20 nationally broadcast interviews not authorized by Congress and numerous public statements” by Gary Shapley, Joseph Ziegler and their lawyers about the president’s son. Shapley and Ziegler testified before Congress as whistleblowers about alleged political interference in an IRS investigation into Hunter’s taxes. However, the Justice Ministry denies any kind of interference.

The lawsuit alleges that IRS employees, their agents and others chose to “disregard their obligations and repeatedly and intentionally publicly disclose Mr.’s proprietary information.” [Hunter] Biden, except as otherwise provided by law.”

In the lawsuit filed, Hunter seeks $1,000 in compensation for any unauthorized disclosure of his income tax return, as well as an official IRS return and agency data security plan, among other things.

In response, the Republicanled House Judiciary Committee called the action “intimidation.” To date, the IRS has not commented on the matter.