Big Brother Beatrice Luzzi blurts out in the night against

Big Brother, Beatrice Luzzi blurts out in the night against Alex Schwazer: "It’s all wrong, he wants to win"

Live on Gf, Alex Schwazer drops the bombshell about Beatrice Luzzi.

Beatrice Luzzi really broke out that night against Alex Schwazer. The reason? The strong statements of the sports master during the obvious nominations for Big Brotherabout one possible crush of the actress on him.

Beatrice Luzzi against Alex Schwazer

Yesterday’s episode of Big Brotherwhat he saw the departure of Samira Lui from the game, it was nothing less than a crackle. At the very end, Alex Schwazer dropped a real bombshell on Beatrice Luzzi. In fact, the athlete explained live that the actress had confided in him that she had a crush on him, surprising everyone:

Perhaps the story with Giuseppe was helpful in creating further dynamics and arguments. You said that you like a man here who is already married, but you don’t want to get him in trouble. Yes, that’s absolutely me. You told me. We were already in bed with Giuseppe before the story. You told me three weeks ago. You told me that here in the bedroom. You said I was very charming. Then you said that unfortunately I was married and that you would think about it. If it’s not me, then it’s still a married man she likes.

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Statements that provoked this harsh reaction from Luzzi, who immediately tried to defend himself against the allegations by denying everything. But it didn’t end there. As Biccy reports, Beatrice returned to the topic after the live broadcast together with Vittorio Menozzi:

Obviously this is all fake and I never liked it. But do you realize what he said before? That I would like to have a married man. Then he added that I like him. But I have children outside. This calls into question the fact that in addition to Giuseppe, I also like a man with a family. I never liked Alex, for heaven’s sake. He’s just not my type. He’s crazy. I also confided in him Giuseppe and my children and told him that I did not see him as sincere and that I was afraid of what my children might think from the outside. Besides, Alex isn’t even my prototype. Someone who says such crazy things is a mythomaniac. He wants to win, so he appoints me for grim reasons.

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