"Big Brother": Ciro, Jill and Giuseppe threatened with elimination

November 10, 202301:17

New date on the reality show Canale 5, surprises for Fiordaliso and Vittorio. Bea, Massimiliano and Rosy go into the suite

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New appointment with “Big Brother“, the reality show of Alfonso Signorini. In this eighteenth episode there are big surprises for some tenants: Cornflower He had the opportunity to hug his beloved four brothers again winner He received an unexpected visit from his mother. Paolo and Letizia experience their new feeling at different speeds. The very crowded televoting with Ciro, Giampiero, Giuseppe, Grecia, Letizia, Massimiliano and Vittorio as protagonists saw Ciro as the least chosen and therefore moved on to televoting for the next elimination.

Photo gallery – The emotions of the eighteenth episode of “Big Brother”

Signorini joins the Big Brother house for the first greeting, then separates to move on to the first surprise of the evening, reserved for Fiordaliso, who receives a visit from all his brothers.


Fiordaliso’s moment Everyone except “Aunt Fiorda” is invited to go to the bedroom. Alfonso leafs through the singer’s family album, starting with a photo of her as a child with all her siblings. Fiordaliso also remembers her relationship with her father, which was very conflictual when she became pregnant at the age of 15, and which then led to great love. Signorini then invites her to go into the courtyard of the hut, where Fiorda finds a table set with coffee and croissants to share with her sister, a daily appointment that she misses greatly since her stay in the house. The lock goes off and Cristina, his sister, comes in. Fiordaliso then takes her sister to see the house, but as soon as they enter the house it starts to freeze again and Cesare, another of her brothers, comes in. Then it’s Andrea’s turn and finally Franco. The family is so complete and for the GF candidate it is an explosion of joy.

The first verdict Signorini ends the televoting and asks the seven nominated participants to stand with their backs to the big screen. The first to save himself is Massimiliano, followed by Giuseppe and Giampiero. Greece closes.

Massimiliano and relations in the House of Representatives Signorini wants to deal with the situation of Varrese, who seems to have fallen into a cone of shadows since his peace agreement with Beatrice. He was upset that others did not appreciate his commitment to creating a calmer climate, and he also feels blamed by those who believe he is doing everything for convenience. Some are convinced that he misses being the center of attention. He was disappointed that he was not included in the favorites list by his teammates, which was given to Bea instead, and believes that his approach to Luzzi was not appreciated by everyone.

Varrese versus Giuseppe Massimiliano’s tensions are directed primarily against Garibaldi. The two had a very fierce fight. Varrese accuses him of talking behind his back, while Giuseppe denies ever speaking badly about him. Massimiliano also accuses him of having arranged the affair with Bea out of convenience, but Ciro is also convinced that Garibaldi thinks a lot about the public at home. Luzzi, Seraphic, emphasizes that it is definitely a game and everyone is an “active or passive actor”. The rift between Varrese and the others continues to deepen and only grows wider as Letizia, Rosy and Fiordaliso hypothesize that Massimiliano’s escape is planned.

Beatrice and Giuseppe, an unexpected rapprochement In the last few days, after the big cold last week, the two have become closer again. To the point that cuddling and kissing started up again as the night went on. Obviously, this is not interpreted the same way by everyone: Anita believes that the two of them are following the mood of the public at home, especially Giuseppe.

Mughini in secret Signorini asks Giampiero if he would write something about his experience on Big Brother and he confirms: “It would be strange if I didn’t.” Then we continue talking about Mughini’s family. In particular the relationship with his father, which is still an open wound for him, in which memories are mixed with remorse and regret.

Discover Vittorio Signorini wants to “exploit” Vittorio a little, the tenant whom he describes as the most enigmatic and mysterious. A confidentiality that is, however, very popular and acts as a point of attraction. Some comrades in the House of Representatives don’t really like the fact that he is constantly on the sidelines, others find it “burdensome.” When Cesara asks who he really is, Vittorio replies: “The goal in life is to find yourself.” Then there is a surprise for the boy: his mother enters the house and encourages him to be himself and his to pursue goals. And even under these circumstances, Vittorio does not deny himself and experiences the encounter with great gentleness, but also with extreme sobriety.

Mirko, Greta and Angelica Mirko’s girlfriend’s entry in the last episode, especially telling Angelica to stay away from him, was not liked by several women in the house, especially Fiordaliso. On the other hand, when Greta called her a dead cat, Angelica responded by “slipping into the role” and teasing Mirko during an evening. However, Greta sent a response video in which she urged her boyfriend not to get involved in certain games and took other swipes at Angelica.

Paolo and Letizia’s push and pull After a long rapprochement between the two, there was a kiss that Signorini himself described as “voracious”. Letizia decided to end the relationship with her boyfriend that she had outside the house and let herself go. Everything OK? No. Also because the conflicts began immediately afterwards. Paolo’s excessive closeness and jealousy are to blame. The boy, for his part, denies having been obsessive towards the girl. A dialogue between Bea and Fiordaliso is then shown in which Luzzi responds to Fiordaliso, who wonders how Letizia can resist a pretty boy like Paolo, with “she’s a lesbian”, referring to a previous relationship with a girl who was told to her. The girl reacts vehemently and rejects any etiquette.

The televoting verdict Between Ciro, Letizia and Vittorio, Vittorio is the first to save himself. That leaves Letizia and Ciro, and between the two, Ciro is the least voted tenant, going straight to elimination in the televoting.

House favorites This time it’s Vittorio, Anita, Alex and Beatrice. Cesara instead “saves” two men: Massimiliano and Mirko.

The nominations We’ll start with the obvious ones. Rosy mentions Grecia, who immediately returns the favor. Angelica mentions Giuseppe’s name. Paolo votes for Fiordaliso, while Jill votes for Garibaldi and also receives a nomination from him. Fiordaliso appoints Mughini. Letizia mentions Jill’s name while Mughini concludes by mentioning Letizia. We continue with the nominations in the confessional: The first is Beatrice, who nominates Jill. Massimiliano mentions Angelica’s name. Alex mentions Garibaldi. Meanwhile, Beatrice, Rosy and Massimiliano win an evening in the suite. The nominations continue with Anita, who mentions the name Giampiero. Mirko nominates Fiordaliso, Vittorio closes and nominates Angelica.





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