"Big Brother"There is controversy over Mughini’s sentence to Angelica: "You have a great future…"

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Giampiero Mughini eventually became the focus of controversy “Big Brother”. The journalist became the protagonist of an unpleasant episode Angelica Baraldi, when he made disparaging comments about the girl’s ballet. A second episode, on Halloween night, made her feel very guilty: “You have a stupid future…” was the commentator’s comment. “He said harsh words to me. I don’t think I’m evil or vulgar,” the girl admits. “jokes are jokes, They serve to add flavor to our gathering. I can’t believe she felt bad about that. I love it,” the commenter replies.

Angelica’s words –
I can’t even answer Sometimes
when Giampiero speaks – answered the girl – but I was disappointed by what she said. I feel in trouble in front of him because you can see how he speaks and how he reacts. I also tried to tone it down. I think of my family listening to these words…” An episode that also provoked several very strong reactions from the other participants.

Mughini nominated – Several tenants chose this as part of the nominations
Send Mughini for televoting for this reason. In the third obvious nomination he received from
Gill Cooperbursts Mughini: “The word Zoc… is a silly term that I use jokingly to a dear friend of mine – the journalist was once again trying to defend himself – and Angelica is one of my dearest friends here.” Both Alfonso Signorini and
Cesara Buonamici They have a different opinion: “I wouldn’t stand here and look at the term ‘clownish’ – was the comment of the TG5 journalist – these are things that no woman likes to hear. And it is right that you recognize that.” ”
I have never felt so insulted in my life – replied Mughini again -, at no point could it be assumed that I wanted to offend someone close to me. I’m offended because I was told I didn’t know how to use a term in the Italian language. I thought things with Angelica were already resolved because I think it was a cheap joke that didn’t deserve to be explored further.