Bignami beaten for right wing extremism Zoro laughs in the

Bignami beaten for right wing extremism? Zoro laughs in the red living room by La7

Broadcast “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing” on La7. It happens with “L’aria che tira”, the new version of the program by Myrta Merlino, hosted a few days ago by David Parenzo, the good and politically correct voice par excellence of “La Zanzara” of Radio 24 wears the uniform in the morning Commissioned by Cairo TV and does not intervene, as a presenter should, to defend the guests who are forced to seek refuge on social media to receive insults live. This happened with Maria Rachele Ruiu, national representative of the Pro Vita e Famiglia association, on which the writer Christian Raimo in particular focused. The activist denounces in a video that she was “insulted and accused of being homophobic and transphobic because she spoke to a family behind their back.” In fact, in his harsh, fluid and incessant denunciation of Pro Vita e Famiglia, Raimo even defined the club’s logo as “violent”, which in reality just represents a normal, traditional family. Ruiu, who was unable to respond online, defended her ideas with a video relaunched on her X profile (formerly Twitter).

Read also: Diego Bianchi, the illegal immigrants and the forbidden dream of his companions: Hoara Borselli in the attack


“The problem,” the woman said, “is not that you made fun of Maria Rachele, but that hundreds of thousands of families who believe in this logo continue to be insulted and censored.” How can one Define family as violent? » asks the activist. “How can we celebrate freedom and then, regardless of the arguments, demand violent censorship of others and demand the removal of associations? How can you talk about freedom and then try to silence the other person while talking about the plight of violence among young people?”

Ruiu also complained of being a victim of body shaming after journalist Alessandro Cecchi Paone joked about Ruiu’s hairstyle, defining it as similar to Arturo Brachetti’s, probably without knowing that the woman had short hair after an oncology course. However, what needs to be noted beyond La7’s sinister outcry is the absolute silence of Parenzo, who is usually suspicious of any abuse, even the slightest form of purely political correctness. As long as it’s a one-way street. Curiosities.

In the same tone, aggressive, hypocritical and sometimes without shame – and with the same objectives, brothers of Italy and in particular the Undersecretary of State Galeazzo Bignami – the malicious irony of Diego Bianchi alias Zoro and Makkox pseudonym of Marco Dambrosio, who inaugurated the new season of “Propaganda Live” with the usual anthology of social contributions from politicians to the target group. Of course, it is much better if the attacks come from the center-right. In the sights of Bianchi and the disheveled cartoonist we said, Bignami, who, in an interview with Libero, had told of his first “naive” encounter with politics in high school at the age of 14, when he heard about the young communists of the USA Fgci was bullied. Bignami was forced to get on all fours with a sign around his neck identifying him as a “fascist.” Makkox could not resist building a story based on Bignami’s story, which he aimed for a disguise that reappeared between the photographic shots from distant times. For Makkox, Bignami would be “the most intelligent person Donzelli knows.” Bad humor combined with political anger. The scab from a year ago still burns. We are not aware of Makkox ever receiving such a compliment. And why doesn’t Diego Bianchi talk about his (former) idol Aboubakar Soumahoro anymore? Funny and also a little sad secret.

Read also: Diego Bianchi at Otto e Mezzo, mud on Meloni’s family: “Maybe we didn’t know”