Bill Clinton marched into the offices of Vanity Fair and

Bill Clinton marched into the offices of Vanity Fair and threatened employees not to write about Jeffrey Epstein, Virginia Roberts Giuffre claims in latest court documents

Virginia Roberts-Giuffre alleged that Bill Clinton marched into the offices of Vanity Fair and demanded the magazine stop its planned publication of a story about Jeffrey Epstein, according to newly released court documents.

Roberts-Giuffre's claim was made in a May 2011 email requesting an interview to promote her planned book.

She said Clinton “went to VF and threatened them not to write sex trafficking articles about his good friend EVER.”

There is no evidence to support her wild claims and it seems highly unlikely that the former president would intervene in such a public way. He is currently believed to be on vacation in the Mexican city of San Miguel de Allende.

A spokesman for Vanity Fair's then-editor Graydon Carter told The Telegraph: “That absolutely did not happen.”

However, Epstein himself allegedly blocked Vanity Fair from publishing a report by journalist Vicky Ward, who had interviewed sisters Maria and Annie Farmer about their abuse at the hands of the pedophile financier.

Ward said on her 2022 podcast that Epstein threatened her and told her, “I have reports here about you, your husband – I have everything under the sun that has been sent to me by people who want to be helpful,” Vanity Fair said , the allegations of sexual abuse were not included in her article published in 2003 because they were added too late and did not meet legal standards.

Roberts-Giuffre's correspondence was released Thursday as part of a tranche of documents from her 2015 libel case against Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's right-hand woman. Maxwell is serving a 20-year sentence: Epstein died by suicide in August 2019 while in prison awaiting trial.

Thursday's release of the documents is the second tranche of files unsealed by the Manhattan court.

Bill Clinton is pictured with Jeffrey Epstein in an undated photo

Bill Clinton is pictured with Jeffrey Epstein in an undated photo

Roberts-Giuffre claimed in her email that Bill Clinton

Roberts-Giuffre claimed in her email that Bill Clinton “went to VF and threatened them not to write sex trafficking articles about his good friend JE.”

In her May 2011 email, Roberts-Giuffre discussed whether she should speak to Vanity Fair to promote her book.

“I look at both sides of the picture,” writes Roberts-Giuffre.

“On the other hand, it will create visibility to make the case and the story more known, but as you said, it must be carefully written and not contain any ideas about the upcoming book and/or new information.”

“As I was doing some research on VF yesterday, it got me worried about what they might want to write about me, considering B. Clinton stumbled into VF and threatened them not to write any sex trafficking articles about his good friend EVER.”

Ward insists that then-Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter retracted her damning allegations about Epstein in 2003. Carter said the reporting did not meet its legal standards and that his editors alone made the decision.

The former president, now 77, has long insisted that his ties to Epstein were on a professional basis to support the work of the Clinton Foundation. He insisted in 2019 that he was always accompanied by an entourage of associates and Secret Service agents during his four trips on Epstein's private jet in 2002 and 2003.

But court documents from June 2016 – part of a defamation lawsuit Roberts-Giuffre filed against Epstein's right-hand man, Ghislaine Maxwell – paint a different picture after Epstein accused Clinton of “liking her young” in another document.

In her filing, Roberts asks for the judge's permission to compel more people to testify under oath to bolster her case.

Bill Clinton greets Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein at the White House in 1993

Bill Clinton greets Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein at the White House in 1993

Clinton is seen with Jeffrey Epstein at the White House in 1993 at an event for donors to the White House Historical Association.  Epstein attended the event after donating $10,000 to the fund.  Ghislaine Maxwell is pictured next to Epstein

Clinton is seen with Jeffrey Epstein at the White House in 1993 at an event for donors to the White House Historical Association. Epstein attended the event after donating $10,000 to the fund. Ghislaine Maxwell is pictured next to Epstein

Virginia Roberts, who was recruited by Ghislaine Maxwell in 2000 when she was 17 and working at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago club

Virginia Roberts, who was recruited by Ghislaine Maxwell in 2000 when she was 17 and working at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago club

Roberts argued in her June 2016 motion that Clinton should be forced to sit for a deposition

Roberts argued in her June 2016 motion that Clinton should be forced to sit for a deposition

Roberts — using her married name, Virginia Giuffre — argues that Clinton was close to both Maxwell and Epstein, who died in prison in August 2019 while awaiting trial.

“In an interview in 2011, Ms. Giuffre mentioned former President Bill Clinton’s close personal relationship with the defendant and Jeffrey Epstein,” the court document states.

“While Ms. Giuffre made no allegations of illegal actions by Bill Clinton, Ms. Maxwell in her testimony characterized Ms. Giuffre's comments about President Clinton as one of the 'obvious lies' that she referred to in her public statement that formed the basis.” of this suit.

“In addition to the defendant and Mr. Epstein, former President Clinton is a key person who can provide information about his close relationship with the defendant and Mr. Epstein and reject Ms. Maxwell's allegations.”

Clinton is mentioned 50 times in the nearly 950 pages of evidence.

Another woman who claimed she was sexually abused by Epstein, Johanna Sjoberg, said in her deposition that Epstein told her, “Clinton likes them young when it comes to girls.”

It's unclear how Clinton and Epstein met, but Roberts wasn't the only one to claim the pair were close.

1704371911 798 Bill Clinton is the 39key person39 to the Epstein investigation

On Wednesday, hours before the court documents were unsealed, Jeffrey Epstein's brother Mark, a New York-based real estate developer, said his brother had claimed to have information about Donald Trump and Bill Clinton so explosive that it could tip the 2016 presidential election would bring failure.


Bill Clinton

Donald Trump

Prince Andrew

Glenn Durbin

Stephen Hawking

Michael Jackson

Tom Pritzker

David Copperfield

Jean Luc Brunel

Bill Richardson

Mark Epstein, 18 months younger than Jeffrey, said his brother never gave details.

Mark, 69, told the New York Post: “Here's a direct quote: 'If I said what I know about both candidates, they would have to cancel the election.' That's what Jeffrey told me in 2016.”

Hillary Clinton was not known to have spent time with Jeffrey Epstein, but her husband had been friends with her since at least 1993.

Epstein and Maxwell were pictured welcoming Bill Clinton to the White House in 1993 at an event for donors to the White House Historical Association. Epstein attended the event after donating $10,000 to the fund.

The pedophile financier made at least 17 visits to the White House, presidential logs show, and Bill Clinton also flew on Epstein's private jet and took trips to Europe, Asia and Africa in 2002 and 2003.

Mark Epstein said flying with Bill Clinton was a crucial mistake by his brother because it suddenly brought his activities into the spotlight.

“Jeff took Clinton first, and I think it was Chris Tucker and some other people to Africa – which was a mistake my brother made because he was under the radar before; no one looked at him.

“But when he flew Clinton there, I asked myself, 'Who is this guy flying Clinton?'”

Bill Clinton spokesman Angel Urena said in July 2019, when Jeffrey Epstein was arrested, that he “knows nothing about the terrible crimes” Epstein was accused of and that Clinton had not spoken to Epstein “for more than a decade.”

There is no evidence that Clinton ever visited Epstein's Caribbean island of Little St. James.

The first batch of documents disposed of on Wednesday contained 900 pages. These included Bill Clinton, Stephen Hawking, Michael Jackson and others.

According to the newspapers, most of the people named were only of minor importance to Epstein's crimes and had no knowledge of them.

The “list” does not suggest that the people included in it played any role in his crimes or sex trafficking ring, but rather serves as a more detailed map of Epstein's impressive social connections.

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell in a photographic evidence from their trial

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell in a photographic evidence from their trial

However, one bombshell contained in Wednesday's documents is the allegation that Prince Andrew attended an “orgy” on Epstein's Caribbean island.

The allegation comes from Jane Doe No. 3, who says she was forced to have sex with Andrew with other girls in London, at Ghislaine Maxwell's house, in New York and in the Caribbean.

Andrew has long denied the allegations.

So far, in addition to Epstein, only Maxwell, who is still behind bars in New York, has been charged.

She still maintains her innocence and claims she was the scapegoat for Epstein's crimes in a sexist justice system.

Epstein was found dead in his Manhattan jail cell in August 2019.

While coroners and the attorney general insist he died by suicide, some close to him have long claimed he was either murdered or assisted in suicide.