Bills skyrocket the domino effect is triggered arrears mount and

Bills skyrocket, the domino effect is triggered: arrears mount and companies close

The domino effect of “energy poverty” has begun. According to, nearly 5 million Italians are behind on utility bills and mortgage payments, and administrators are already suffering. Suppliers protect themselves by imposing unlawful clauses to resist. Otherwise “we cannot extend your contract, find another provider”. Which, in a nutshell, means: provider of last resort, a kind of “citizenship bill” that ends up being paid through general tax without it being clear who can access it and who can’t. In vain, the Arera Sector Authority threatened to pursue practices of unilaterally terminating the contract for excessive charges, prohibited by article three of the (poorly) written provision in the DL Aid until last August. Alongside Ilva, a state-owned company backed by another public company like Eni, there are foundries and paper mills threatened with detachment, and hotels forced to sign sureties or guarantee deposits to avoid being binding in the dark remain in a very precious bank liquidity, as revealed by Il Giornale. Who knows if Nomisma Energia President Davide Tabarelli’s prediction won’t materialize: a “militarization” of energy consumption, especially now that Europe is threatening a 15 percent cut in gas consumption after Gazprom reiterated that “a price cap would mean the suspension.” would determine of supplies ». So who decides what gets cut and what doesn’t? “Or the future virtuous behavior of those who have already reduced their consumption today, as they have decided in Germany, could now be rewarded,” writes expert Edoardo Beltrame in his blog.

While an extension of the aid until December (costs 4.7 billion) is being discussed, many small and medium-sized companies are threatening to close or have already lowered the shutters. But the gas price drops to 131 euros per megawatt / hour because it is not needed now given the warm autumn and the dramatic drop in consumption. “Physiological data following the proposal to develop a new alternative index to the ttf,” says a trader operating on the notorious Dutch stock exchange. If there was speculation, it should have been stopped earlier, it’s too late now. «How do you tell Algeria and Norway that the TTF is no longer good? The single shopping platform that the EU wants would be a hostile act,” says Tabarelli.

The Caritas report confirms that one in ten Italians live in absolute poverty, including 1.4 million children. “An adjustment must be made to the citizenship income,” says Cei President Matteo Zuppi. On social media, chats are multiplying with the shout #iononpagolebollette and more and more people are protesting, as in Sicily. If the climate of hatred against the new executive merged with a seething South, there would be trouble. There is a pressure cooker that the mafia can detonate on command.