Bizarre sea creature pulled out of the water pregnant with

Bizarre sea creature pulled out of the water pregnant with six giant babies

Summary of the news

  • Species can reach a length of more than 4 m.
  • These sharks are considered living fossils.
  • Due to the depth at which they live, they are extremely rare.

A bizarre sea creature weighing nearly 800kg has been caught by Australian fishermen in Nanfangao, Taiwan. The female was pregnant with six cubs, which were already frighteningly large in the mother’s womb.

Identified as a goblin shark (Mitsukurina owstoni), the predator was accidentally caught while workers were traveling on a bottom trawler, a small vessel that uses nets to catch fish.

The female was pregnant with six babies. Reproduction/Facebook/TaiwanSpecimenArtisticMusem

The Taiwan Ocean Art Museum shared pictures of the monster and its babies on Facebook. They tried to prevent everyone from being dismembered at the slaughterhouse to expose and examine the animals.

“The teeth of the baby shark are already formed. Basically, this mother shark should not be too far from her due date. Every baby shark has a nutrient capsule in its belly,” wrote one museum director.

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Goblin sharks are known to be living fossils, as they are the last living species in a 125millionyearold lineage. This species attains an average length of around 4 m and the largest observed species has been recorded at more than 6 m.

As well as being ancient, these fish are extremely rare and are hardly ever seen alive as they live in deep waters between 300 and 900m below the surface.

*Supervised by Filipe Siqueira.

The tiger shark scares everyone away by swimming a few feet from the sand

A tiger shark sent beachgoers into a panic after it swam just meters from a sandy beach in Perth, Australia.

Montage/R7, with playback/Liam Baster (via Chron)

According to the Chron tabloid, the animal was first spotted by standup paddleboard practitioners, who alerted the general public to the intruder.

Montage/R7, with playback/Liam Baster (via Chron)

Fortunately, those in the water managed to get out before any incidents were recorded.

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Play/Liam Baster (via Chron)

The shark in question is considered one of the largest and most aggressive, along with the great white shark and the bull shark.

Play/Liam Baster (via Chron)

The addition of “tiger” to the species name is attributed to the presence of dark stripes on the predator’s body

Play/Liam Baster (via Chron)

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Play/Liam Baster (via Chron)