Pedestrians converge on the proving grounds to compete for the Edu Moraes/RECORD hillbilly crown
The Farmer’s Test next Wednesday (6) will have a special touch for the winner! In addition to escaping Roça, Cezar Black, Jaquelline Grohalski or Nadia Pessoa could be the latest driver to secure a spot in the top 10 The farm 15!
The trio found themselves in the sights of the other participants and will fight for the country’s dream crown in tomorrow’s live program. Yuri Meirelles has been banned from the activity and will be submitted directly to public judgment.
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Lampião do Poder was of course the first to be in the spotlight of the evening. RadamesWinner of the fire test, took the power of the white flame for himself and gave her the orange flame Shay.
Sequentially, Tonzao pranked his colleagues by implying that he would point it out Andrew, but it was Black he sent to the hot seat. The nurse had no regrets and said that nothing would be fairer than for the radio operator to return last week’s recommendation.
Before the inperson vote, Shay opened up the power of the Orange Flame and was able to immunize Radamés at that point. The pedestrians were then faced with the drama of having few options left on this final stretch and had to perfect their strategy. Nadja and Jaque each had four votes, and the decision was in Tonzão’s hands. After thinking for a long time, the funk singer threw the influencer into the second chair.
On the train from Baia, Jaque turned against it Yuri and in Resta Um Radames remained. He vetoed the Farmer’s Test model and inaugurated the power of the White Flame. Luckily, the soccer player was able to choose a pawn to swap places with and chose Nadja.
The farm 15 is broadcast on the television screen Monday to Friday at 10:45 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday at 11:00 p.m. RECORD. Follow that and social media to stay up to date with all the news! Subscribe to something PlayPlus and have access to cameras around the clock.
Radamés wins the test of fire for the second time and shows that he knows how to dodge blows
Radames It was a repeat in the firing process! The pedestrian combined agility with a high level of concentration to complete the four phases of activity and guarantee for the second consecutive year The farm 15, the lamp of power. Along the way, he assured that he knew how to avoid bank fraud by using Fazendão technology. Check out how it went! To scare the farmer a little, There were three yellow balls hidden in the chests and the rest knows! Of course only the yellowish trio Shay, Black It is Marcia Fu had the opportunity to get his passport stamped for the test site, but since the businessman had already gone there to play the week before, he gave Radamés the chance
At FazendaThe competitors had to race against time to escape bank fraud. The activity was divided into four phases that required a lot of attention, caution and agility. The original destination of pedestrians was to open the chest with the correct key, and be careful not to break it in the blink of an eye a problem that would result in the competitor’s disqualification. Once it worked, participants picked out the four balls they were supposed to score. Radamés had the easiest time in this stage: after a few mistakes, he hit all four baskets in a row. After the first stage, the pedestrians had to run
Answer the call on the mobile phone and listen to the message in which a person tries to impersonate a bank employee to get the victim’s sensitive data. When “It’s a Coup” appeared on the screen, they started phase two. In this phase they had to use a pendulum Flip the signs over and let out the phrase “It’s a scam.” in the board. Once that was done, they returned to their cell phone, which displayed another classic case of fraud: an SMS asking the user to click on a link and enter their banking details to unblock the account. In the third phase of the game There was little care! Participants had to invent the sentence “It’s a coup” without dropping the signs. The difficulty was keeping the bench stable as it moved according to the rope that held it. The participants paid close attention to their balance and calmness to keep the rope in the correct position, but they could not escape the agony as the letters, placed in such a concentrated manner, fell down. Once they secured the bank’s structure, the trio set off
The final stage of the test: the cryptex. When opening the chest, the first step was to give each figure a password. This number had to be entered into the cylinder to unlock the box with the timer and thus end the activity. When Galisteu called the pedestrians back to Fazendão, he announced that Márcia had secured third place by finishing the race in 9:08”. Black, on the other hand, did it in 8’49” and with an impressive time of 4’50”Radamés won the Lampião do Poder! Rejoicing with joy, the soccer player threw himself on the ground, hugged his colleagues and heard his friend joking that the group of athletes was back, Radamés returned to the happy seat of life and he didn’t even ring the bell to announce his arrival. Shay had a party with her ally and the farmer discovered that Black was moving the Iranian to Baia, while Márcia chose to do so
Yuri. How will the result affect Roça’s lineup? The farm 15 is broadcast on the television screen Monday to Friday at 10:45 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday at 11:00 p.m. RECORD. Follow that and social media to stay up to date with all the news! Subscribe to something PlayPlus and have access to 24hour cameras