Blanco and the roses of Sanremo Now the public prosecutor

Blanco and the roses of Sanremo: Now the public prosecutor is investigating because of property damage

Blanco He was investigated by the Imperia Public Prosecutor’s Office on suspicion of damage because of the unforeseen incident that occurred on the first evening of the 73rd Sanremo Festival, when he kicked the rose garden set up on the stage of the Ariston Theater.

Blanco’s anger on the Sanremo stage: Ariston’s flowers destroyed

by our correspondent Carlo Moretti February 7, 2023

Blanco He had been invited to present the new single L’isola delle rose, but at a certain point in the performance, after midnight, he broke into a rage when he kicked the flower arrangement. “I couldn’t hear anything through the headphones, I couldn’t sing – the artist then explained – but at least I had fun, music is that too.”

From Blanco to Chiara Ferragni, Sanremo is all about advertising

by Chiara Valerio February 08, 2023

The events took place on the evening of February 8 festival, the second when Riccardo FabbriconiThe 20-year-old joined her on stage Mahmoud to sing the hit chills. All going well for the song that triumphed at the last edition of the singing competition, until Blanco he did not return solo to interpret the new single L’isola delle rose. Then a glitch in the headphones and the gesture of kicking the surrounding choreographed roses – which was to be expected – devolved into a total devastation of the flowers and the vases that contained them.

Blanco, the furious hours. “I was desperate,” then the escape: what happened after the performance at the Ariston

by our correspondent Emilio Marrese February 08, 2023

In short, a choreography that went wrong, but which could now cause some problems for the singer from Brescia amadeus I immediately forgave him: “He knows he was wrong, he called me to apologize. No punishment for him.”

amadeus, hot, he added to calm himself, “and let’s fix it, if you want you can sing again later”. In the end though Blanco he stopped singing and that “header” became a national event. BlancoShe, who then apologized in a post, should have rolled in the roses and not destroyed them. While waiting for the matter to be resolved and for Rai to be explained what the agreements were, a file was opened against him.