Bleach in water and wine priests in Italy threatened

Bleach in water and wine: priests in Italy threatened

The priest had already been the victim of several intimidation attempts in recent days. Another priest in the region found a dead cat on the hood of his car. There are rumors about possible mafia influence.

The priest from the small town of Pannaconi di Cessaniti, in the Calabria region of southern Italy, was targeted by strangers who poured bleach into the small vials of water and wine on his altar before Sunday mass. After consecrating water and wine for the mass, the priest realized that they smelled like bleach and did not drink them. Laboratory analysis later determined that bleach had been poured into the cups.

The priest reported the incident to the Carabinieri, who began an investigation. The priest was recently the victim of intimidation attempts. His car was damaged twice last month. The priest also received threatening letters. The priest assured him that he would not be intimidated. “My revenge is love, my shield is forgiveness, my armor is mercy. I will not let obstacles stop me, nor will I be frightened by the darkness”, wrote the priest.

“Don’t be discouraged by violence”

In recent days, the priest in the neighboring town of Cessaniti has also received threats. He also found a dead cat on the hood of his car. Cassaniti is considered a difficult city. The mayor resigned in August 2023 and rumors arose about the possible influence of the mafia in municipal management.

The local bishop condemned the incidents. “Our diocese complains about attempts at intimidation that have nothing to do with normal Christian life in parishes. “That is why I appeal once again to Christian communities not to be discouraged by this language of violence”, emphasized the bishop. (APA)

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