Giuseppe Conte has not shifted the position of the government led by Mario Draghi on the issue of military spending by an inch. The verdict is delivered by Myrta Merlino, presenter of L’Aria che Tira su La7, during the March 31 episode, in which she belittles the 5 Star Movement’s communications about an agreement reached with the Prime Minister. The journalist hostess Maria Giovanna Maglie then addressed the topic: “You certainly understood correctly. It is better to flee when we have to discuss how much diplomats, journalists, politicians and the military count in the world. It’s better to run away, turn off the light and close the door. And not because we’re not worth it… I see three types of problems in Mario Draghi’s talk. If we need to discuss the neutrality of Ukraine, the situation of already disputed areas like Donbass, then why did we arm this war, allow it and impose sanctions? These could have been conditions that would have to be met immediately after 23 days of war. Or if it isn’t, that’s not a matter for negotiation.”
La Maglia then moves on to his second point of debate: “This government is crumbling and for this reason it is constantly forced to resort to the vote of confidence, it is afraid not to do so, this time despite the congruent and robust crutch of the opposition. Third thing underlines the Maglie . Why is he falling apart and why was Conte trying to make a lunge and then come back? Behind all this discourse about the war is a complete lack of debate in the country, and with the country twothirds of Italians, maybe more, are against all the Ambaradan that we have put up. There are parties that think about elections and take off their caps, then take them off because they are thinking about the presidency. It is concludes the journalist a bleak picture.