Blob physarum a strange mobile intelligent mold that communicates and

Blob physarum: a strange mobile intelligent mold that communicates and rejuvenates! –

No, the blob isn’t just goosebumps straight out of a horror movie; It’s also a strange being, unclassifiable in the animal kingdom and lacking a brain, but capable of communicating and even sharing its experiences with others…

A living unicellular mold

Not an animal, not a plant, not even a mushroom, the “Blob” – whose real name is Physarum polycephalum – is an independent kingdom. The strange creature, slimy and crawlingthe Anglo-Saxons place it in the category of “slime mold” or “sticky mold”.

Present on earth for more than 500 million yearsThe blob lives in the undergrowth of temperate regions. You might even have seen one before and didn’t know it was a blob.
Despite its odd appearance, the blob is a true predator, feeding mostly on decaying organic matter. It digests food outside of its body by secreting enzymes that break down organic particles, and then absorbs the resulting nutrients.

Consisting of a single giant cell containing thousands of nucleithis unique amoeba has the ability to spread several square meters and to move in its environment at a speed that can… reach. five centimeters per hour (The snail is still 60 times faster!)

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