Bob Gass39 Effective Faith Thought for the Day

Bob Gass' Effective Faith – Thought for the Day

Effective faith

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Whoever comes to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.
Hebrews 11:6

Here are three biblical truths that can make faith more effective.

1)Believe that God exists. It is not just a vague acknowledgment of the existence of God. Humanity calls upon hundreds of gods, but the God of the Bible is not one of them. So he's not even the best of them. He is the only true God! And this passage confirms that she is unique, authentic, constantly present and always active.

2)Believe that God can do anything. When two blind men came to Jesus seeking healing, he asked them, “Do you think I can do this?” “Yes, Lord,” they answered. Then he touched their eyes and said, “Let it be done to you according to your faith” (Matthew 9:28-29). They immediately regained their sight. Jesus wanted to test their faith before He healed them. Unless we believe that God can meet our needs, there is no basis for trust and prayer.

3)Believe that God wants to do everything. It is not enough to know that God can: we must also believe that he wants it. A leper came to Jesus and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can cleanse me.” Jesus reached out and touched him and said, “I am ready to be cleansed.” Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy (Matthew 8:2-3).

Does God want to bless us? Consider what he says: He, not man, “rewards those who seek him.” This leaves no room for doubt. Not only can God help us, but He really wants to!

Listen to the voice of God

Do you believe that God can and will do anything to make you happy? Take the time to listen to what he wants to tell you about this topic today.

Praying simply means speaking to God respectfully, like a close friend who loves you and can hear everything. You can say to him, “Lord, I believe in you with all my heart. I know that you are all powerful. So why don't you answer my prayers? I just want to honor you and let my life be a testimony of you to everyone I meet. Amen!”

Praise God

Praising God means showing our gratitude to him. If you look back a little, you will find reasons for gratitude: when he visited you, helped you, comforted you, healed you…
Take the time to thank the Lord for each one and to bless Him for all who are to come!

Take action today

So how do you plan to apply what God has told you? Write down the specific actions that come to mind. Choose at least one to make today. If you don't have any idea, just consider the three points mentioned by the author.

Honor the Lord

Our journey for this day ends. Let us pray together to honor our God.

​​“My Lord and my God, you are truly almighty and full of love! To you belong the kingdom, the power and the glory, Amen!”

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