Bob Sagets luxurious Florida hotel suite features in haunting crime

Bob Saget’s luxurious Florida hotel suite features in haunting crime scene photos

Bob Saget is healthy and smiling in a selfie taken by a hotel employee who parked his rental car at the Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grand Lakes, shortly before his death

Bob Saget is healthy and smiling in a selfie taken by a hotel employee who parked his rental car at the Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grand Lakes, shortly before his death

The luxury Florida hotel suite where “America’s father” Bob Saget mysteriously hit his head and died is revealed today for the first time in haunting crime scene photos.

Cops cataloged every surface and object in Room 962 at the Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grand Lakes while looking for anything that might have caused Full House legend Saget’s skull to be fractured.

The image cache, released Tuesday by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, includes a shot of the comedian’s padded headboard over his bed, as well as his walk-in shower, bathtub, desk and minibar.

Investigators never found out exactly what killed Saget, 65, but they suggested in their final report that he probably slipped and committed suicide in the early hours of March 9.

“Our goal was to locate specific locations or objects in space that could have caused the trauma found at autopsy,” their report reads.

“The countertops, tables, bedside tables and other hard furniture in the room all had sharply defined edges and corners and were considered unlikely as they would have injured the skin,” the report added.

“Bathroom counters and shower stall were excluded for the same reason. Most of the chairs and sofas were heavily upholstered and too soft to have caused the type and extent of the injuries Mr. Saget sustained. “As mentioned, most of the suite was carpeted. The headboard of the bed was lightly padded and set back slightly from the wall.

“These are listed here as possible injury mechanisms, but nothing was found in the room that allows for a definitive conclusion.”

Crime scene photos show the interior of Room 962 at the Ritz-Carlton Orlando, where Full House legend Bob Saget fractured his skull and died

Crime scene photos show the interior of Room 962 at the Ritz-Carlton Orlando, where Full House legend Bob Saget fractured his skull and died

Cops cataloged every surface and object in Room 962 at the Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grand Lakes while looking for anything that might have caused Full House legend Saget's skull to be fractured.  Saget's bedside table is featured with his iPhone, iPad, glasses, AirPods, Chapstick and more

Cops cataloged every surface and object in Room 962 at the Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grand Lakes while looking for anything that might have caused Full House legend Saget’s skull to be fractured. Saget’s bedside table is featured with his iPhone, iPad, glasses, AirPods, Chapstick and more

The image bank includes a shot of the comedian's padded headboard over his bed, as well as his walk-in shower, bathtub, desk and minibar

The image bank includes a shot of the comedian’s padded headboard over his bed, as well as his walk-in shower, bathtub, desk and minibar

The barely touched minibar in the hotel room can be seen in the crime scene photos.  A cup appears to have been used

The barely touched minibar in the hotel room can be seen in the crime scene photos. A cup appears to have been used

The photos were released Tuesday by the Orange County Sheriff's Office.  Saget had driven back two hours from a stand-up gig in Jacksonville before handing over the keys to his Chevrolet Impala and heading to the Ritz-Carlton at 2:13 a.m

The photos were released Tuesday by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office. Saget had driven back two hours from a stand-up gig in Jacksonville before handing over the keys to his Chevrolet Impala and heading to the Ritz-Carlton at 2:13 a.m

The shower in Bob Saget's Florida hotel suite is depicted in crime scene photos taken immediately after his death

The shower in Bob Saget’s Florida hotel suite is depicted in crime scene photos taken immediately after his death

The door to room 962 was locked from the inside and there were no signs of struggle, nothing was damaged and no trace of blood on his sheets or bedding, the report adds

The door to room 962 was locked from the inside and there were no signs of struggle, nothing was damaged and no trace of blood on his sheets or bedding, the report adds

Saget had driven back two hours from a stand-up gig in Jacksonville before handing over the keys to his Chevrolet Impala and heading to the Ritz-Carlton at 2:13 a.m.

The father-of-three was then spotted on CCTV “deliberately walking through the lobby” before entering his room at 2:17am. Failure to check out later that day, security let himself into his plush suite at 3:53 p.m. to find Saget slumped dead in his bed with swelling and small bruises in the corner of his left eye.

The door to room 962 was locked from the inside and there were no signs of struggle, nothing was damaged and no trace of blood on his sheets or bedding, the report adds.

Unusually, the inner door to Adjoining Room 961 was found unlocked, but staff determined that no one had been inside while Saget was there. Saget had stopped briefly to pose for a selfie with valet attendant Orlando Nunez, 21, as he entered the hotel and first warned Nunez he was recovering from Covid.

Cops later used the selfie to determine that Saget was unharmed when he went to his room.

“He was wearing a mask at the time, so I had no idea who it was. I said it was ok to take it off because I’ve had Covid twice myself,” Nunez told

“I recognized the voice but it wasn’t until he picked it up that I was like oh man it’s Bob Saget, so nice to meet you. “I didn’t see any injuries, he didn’t appear to be hurt, he didn’t slur his words – he was exactly how I remembered him on TV as a kid. I was in awe.’

Nunez said the two men chatted warmly about the pandemic, their families and their home state of California for several minutes before huddled together for a photo on his cellphone. “He said he just drove back from Jacksonville, but he didn’t seem tired at all, it was like he just stepped off the stage,” Nunez continued.

“We were talking about Covid and he made a joke about how there are so many tribes now that give them sorority names. “Actually, I was very careful with the picture because I wanted to be polite and respectful. But he said come in, come on.

“I’ve met a few celebrities who hardly say a word, but Bob was the most genuine, approachable guy. When I heard what had happened the next day, I was devastated.

“People keep asking questions about what happened, but I don’t think there’s a bigger pitcher that we’re all missing. I just want him to rest in peace.”

This chart shows all of the injuries Saget sustained that resulted in his death from a brain hemorrhage

This chart shows all of the injuries Saget sustained that resulted in his death from a brain hemorrhage

Saget had driven back two hours from a stand-up gig in Jacksonville before handing over the keys to his Chevrolet Impala and entering the Ritz-Carlton Orlando (pictured) at 2:13 a.m

Saget had driven back two hours from a stand-up gig in Jacksonville before handing over the keys to his Chevrolet Impala and entering the Ritz-Carlton Orlando (pictured) at 2:13 a.m

Saget's death was ruled an accident, but Orange County investigators couldn't determine exactly how he badly fractured his skull Saget's death was ruled an accident, but Orange County investigators couldn't determine exactly how he badly fractured his skull

Saget’s death was ruled an accident, but Orange County investigators couldn’t determine exactly how he badly fractured his skull

Saget stars as single father Danny Tanner in a September 1993 promotional photo for the ABC hit sitcom Full House

Saget stars as single father Danny Tanner in a September 1993 promotional photo for the ABC hit sitcom Full House

Saget’s death stunned his global fan base and stunned his distraught wife, Kelly Rizzo, who said her husband is happier than ever and in the best of health.

An autopsy confirmed his Covid diagnosis, but Orange County Coroner Dr. Joshua Stephany, noted that this played no role in his sudden death. Experts also ruled out drugs or alcohol as a cause and attributed the beloved prankster’s death to “blunt trauma to the head,” including various abrasions to the scalp and fractures at the base of the skull.

“Given the circumstances of death, and after examination of the body, toxicological analysis, microscopic analysis, respiratory pathogen testing, bilateral lung cultures and postmortem CT, I believe the death of Robert Saget, a 65-year-old white male who found unresponsive in a hotel room is the result of blunt head trauma,” concluded Dr. stephany “It is very likely that the deceased fell backwards unnoticed and hit the back of his head. The manner of death is an accident.’

Saget was on his I Don’t Do Negative Comedy Tour when he stopped by.

Investigators spoke to several people involved in last night’s performance at the Ponte Vedra Beach Resort outside of Jacksonville, but none of them recalled acting strangely, using drugs or drinking.

Hertz confirmed his car was undamaged when picked up at the Ritz-Carlton.

A judge last week agreed to issue a court order banning the publication of graphic photos and videos related to Saget’s death after his family filed a lawsuit to prevent them from appearing in news articles and being circulated online.