1682094746 Boca fans surrender to Zambrano after shining with Alianza quotimportant

Boca fans surrender to Zambrano after shining with Alianza: "important player"

Boca fans surrender to Zambrano after shining with Alianza quotimportant

Alliance of Lima defeated Libertad of Paraguay 2-1 on day two of Group G of the 2023 Copa Libertadores. In this duel Carlo Zambrano He started and showed a great performance. This fact did not go unnoticed by the fans of Boca juniorswho praised the defender of the Peru team and explained that they miss him in the Xeneize team.

“Players of important games”, “Few of us always support the ‘Kaiser'”, “Masterclass of the ‘Kaiser'”, “Players of big events”, “He will have a thousand restrictions, but he knows how to play important games”, “If he continued he would be a starter against the disastrous Roncaglia”, “Better than Roncaglia” are some of the comments that can be read on Twitter.

“It was Figal and Zambrano in defence. He always gave up despite everything”, “With a save that counts as a goal. The same as one of the saves he made in Boca against Independiente on the last day of the last tournament we have become champions”, “I miss him more than ever”, “Zambrano has always played in Libertadores, whoever says otherwise does not know about football”, “is misjudged by the press and some here”, wrote other users .

How many points does Alianza Lima have with the Libertadores?

After beating Libertad, Alliance of Lima added four units and ranks first in Group G of the Libertadores Cup 2023. The intimates face Atlético Mineiro on Wednesday, May 3 at 19:30 (Peruvian time) at the Mineirão Stadium in Brazil.