Bolivia Against destructive capitalism Choquehuanca and Arce posit the geopolitics

Bolivia. Against destructive capitalism, Choquehuanca and Arce posit the geopolitics of the good life •

In connection with the celebration of the summer solstice in Tiwanaku on December 21, the vice president of the plurinational state of Bolivia, David Choquehuanca, presented his text “Geapolitics of Living Well”, a work that questions the pillars of destructive developmentalism of the capitalist regime.

On that occasion, President Luis Arce pointed out that the Choquehuanca document calls for the overcoming of capitalism as an antiquated and predatory mode of production and distribution around the world.

The document posits the establishment of a new order based on the balance of communities and nature in the face of capitalist chaos and a geopolitics of power, vassalage and submission that causes absurd, artificial and interested ruptures between peoples.

Returning to Mother Earth, according to Pachamama, termed Choquehuanca, is the only path that will allow humanity to be reconciled with itself, to become brothers, with the existential purpose of prolonging life and societies on the planet.

For his part, Head of State Luis Arce said that the consequences of an agonizing capitalism are evident in the current multidimensional crises such as climate, food, energy, economy, culture, politics and social affairs.

Geopolitics, a category that denies and transcends the geopolitics of capitalist social and world relations, emerges from the millennia-old philosophy and practice of indigenous peoples.