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Bolivia complies with Andean justice ruling on fuels

“The action we are taking is strictly in accordance with the determinations of the ruling, since transport companies with a foreign license plate will no longer have to pay a higher price than transport companies with a Bolivian license plate that provide their services within the framework of registration and authorization in the United States “The regulatory CAN framework,” the authority explained.

In July last year, the CAN Court issued a ruling in favor of Peru, calling on Bolivia to “stop the behavior declared unlawful” due to differences in fuel prices for Bolivian and Bolivian vehicles. motorized with international license plates, like those from Peru.

The ruling ordered the adaptation of Bolivian legislation to the Community legal system, for which the Plurinational State had until January 19 of the current year to adapt its regulation in the hydrocarbon sector.

In response, the Bolivian government issued on Thursday Supreme Decree (DS) 5106, which establishes the marketing of liquid fuels for “vehicles with national and/or foreign license plates.”

The regulations stipulate that the charging of those means “used for the international carriage of passengers by road and the international carriage of goods by road, authorized and registered within the legal framework of the Andean Community, shall be carried out in accordance with the Regulation.” fixed international price. from the National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH)”.

According to Siles, with this determination Bolivia stops “violating the principles of national treatment, non-discrimination and free competition” and shows its commitment to bringing internal legal standards in line with the principles of CAN.

Pursuant to DS 5106, the Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energy, through the ANH and in coordination with the Ministry of Public Works, through its Vice Ministry of Transport, will issue, within a period of up to 30 days, the relevant regulations to comply with these regulations is established in the sentence.

Siles reported at a press conference that this Friday his office submitted an informative document on the actions of the Bolivian state with a copy of DS 5106 for analysis by the CAN Court.
