Bolivia President Highlights Sovereign Lithium Industrialization Strategy

President of Bolivia Luis Arce stressed on his Twitter account this Monday that his country has a dignified, sovereign and efficient strategy to industrialize lithium in his country based on the historical record of sales of this mineral resource.


Bolivia sets historic export record in 2022

“We have a dignified, confident and efficient strategy to industrialize our lithium,” affirmed the President, who assured that in 2022, a historic record in sales of potassium chloride and lithium carbonate would be achieved.

According to the head of state, the revenue totaled 556 million Bolivian pesos, a figure three times the value achieved in 2021.

Russia, China, the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Malaysia and Peru were the main countries with which lithium carbonate and potassium chloride were traded, according to the state-owned Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos (YLB) in 2022. These resources reached a production of 617 tons and 58,558 tons respectively.

According to the Bolivian information platform ABI, the country is facing the industrialization of lithium in the Potosí region with the commissioning of potassium chloride, lithium carbonate and battery plants.

This production will be commercialized on the national and international markets, the medium points out. Likewise, the Executive President of YLB, Carlos Ramos, stressed last Saturday the need to mine this mineral in the Oruro and Potosí salt pans.

“We have been in this process of selecting companies with EDL (direct lithium extraction) technology for almost two years. It is a long process that includes several steps such as: B. Pilot trials, technology verification, until the signing of the first agreement recently,” stressed Carlos Ramos.