Bolivia promotes tourism projects in the Potosi communities

Bolivia promotes tourism projects in the Potosí communities

“As part of (…) the policies of the government of President Luis Arce and Vice President David Choquehuanca, two important meetings have been held in recent days to coordinate immediate actions,” Ampuero said.

He reported that the day before he held a meeting with Uyuni Mayor Eusebio López and Escara community authorities to analyze the Train Cemetery Recreational Center construction project, which will require an investment of 22.6 million Bolivians would. more than seven million dollars).

He explained that this tourist attraction will allow visitors to learn more about the history of the abandoned machines in the area by harnessing the potential of the travelers who arrive in this area of ​​the country.

He noted that the meeting is crucial to publicizing the project and gaining the necessary support for its speedy implementation.

The deputy director added that she also met with the Mayor of Villazón, Juan Navia, to coordinate immediate actions to build and equip a tourist restaurant in this region.

This meant that the two meetings took place as part of the Salar de Uyuni and Lagunas de Colores dynamization program.

Ampuero said the total investment expected to implement these plans is 147.2 million bolivianos (about $21 million), of which the national government will contribute 126.9 million bolivianos ($18.5 million).

Meanwhile, the departmental executive and municipalities of San Luis Potosí will pay out 20.3 million bolivianos ($2.9 million).

The idea is that these plans will benefit twelve municipalities in the southwest of the Potosí department.
