Rostros contradictorios de la Inteligencia Artificial

Bolivia will host the VIII World Quinoa Congress in Potosí

More than a thousand participants will stimulate debates between exhibitors, scientists, researchers, academics, businessmen and producers who have ancestral knowledge, confirms the text sent to this news agency.

“The thematic axes have to do with genetic resources, genetics and biotechnology, production systems, innovation and quinoa agro-industry, health and nutrition, gastronomy, quality control and marketing, and public policy,” informed the President of the Organizing Committee, David Soraide.

The engineer added that there will also be an area of ​​​​knowledge and ancestral knowledge, bearing in mind that this is a crop that has many cultural roots in the knowledge of growers.

He stressed that the debates would also address issues of territorial nature and cultural identity, primary and technological production and transformation, food and gastronomy.

Also a professor at the Tomás Frías University in San Luis Potosí, said that the biological indicators will be analyzed in order to be able to produce quinoa naturally.

“To date we already have 800 confirmed participants – commented the engineer – and we expect to reach around 900 participants among the visitors and as exhibitors we have around 200 already confirmed speakers.

According to Rural Development and Lands, the event will provide a space for the exchange of knowledge, information and the dissemination of scientific and technical advances, themed “Quinoa, present and future food for the world”.

Another objective is to transmit the territorial experiences and public policies to promote this culture and contribute to the promotion of the production chain of this product and related species with inclusive and sustainable innovations.

The inauguration will take place at the Víctor Paz Estensoro Theater and the debates will take place at the Faculty of Agriculture and Livestock of the Tomás Frías Autonomous University, where 10 classrooms will be set up for more than a hundred simultaneous exhibitions in different languages.

The VIII World Congress ends with a technological visit to quinoa plantations certified in Potosí by the National Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Innovation.
