Bolsonarians confuse Catalan with neutral language in Djavans post and

Bolsonarians confuse Catalan with neutral language in Djavan’s post and are ridiculed on the networks

Bolsonaristas became a joke due to complete ignorance on the networks

247 Djavan received negative comments on his Instagram page while promoting a show in Barcelona this Wednesday (28): “ultimes entrades!”. In fact, the Bolsonarists made a crucial mistake: they didn’t translate the message correctly.

However, “últimes entrades” is the Catalan translation for “last entries”. The show, for which tickets are almost sold out, is taking place in Barcelona, ​​a city in the Catalonia region of Spain that has its own language and separatist groups protesting for independence.

Bolsonaristas have been made fun of on the networks for their complete lack of knowledge.

“It’s easier to learn Japanese in Braille than to expect anything reasonable from the Bolsonarists,” one netizen quips.

“It seems that this stupidity is a virus that has infected about 20% of the population of Brazil. He is a Christian without Christ, a patriot without a country and a citizen without citizenship,” said another netizen.