Bolsonaro election campaign trial suspended in Brazil

Bolsonaro election campaign trial suspended in Brazil

So far, three ministers have voted on the case of alleged abuse of political and economic power of the electoral formula between Bolsonaro and Reserve General Walter Braga Netto, the candidate for vice office, during the commemorations of the 200th anniversary of emancipation.

The three opinions presented were different. Two of the judges propose the conviction of the former president (2019-2022).

Speaker Benedito Gonçalves voted for the sanction and ban of eight years and for the far-right politician to pay a fine of 425,600 reais (about $85,000).

However, Gonçalves refused to ban Braga Netto from playing, but agreed to impose a fine of 212,800 reais (around $42,500).

Raúl Araújo, the second judge to vote, rejected both lawsuits.

Lawyer Floriano Marques, who took the stand third, defended the sentence of Bolsonaro and Braga Netto to an eight-year ban.

He also accompanied Gonçalves on the amount of fines to be imposed.

The process in the TSE will continue on October 31, the day on which four ministers have to vote.

Bolsonaro was convicted of abuse of political power and media abuse in another trial in June, which led to the court declaring him ineligible for election for eight years, until 2030.

On this occasion, the former army captain attacked the electronic voting system during a meeting with foreign ambassadors in July 2022 at the Alvorada Palace (official presidential residence).

Should TSE ministers decide to re-sentence him, the suspension sentences will not be added.

In the lawsuits, the Democratic Labor Party and Senator Soraya Thronicke demand that Bolsonaro be disqualified and fined over allegations of using the independence celebrations to promote his re-election.

According to the accusation, the former head of state used this date for election campaign events and thereby used the “public machinery for his own advantage”.
