Boninho complains about BBB 23 fake news and mentions Giovanna Ewbank Splash

Boninho took to social media to complain about the news circulating on BBB 23 (Globo) about the alleged cancellation of the Realiza Africana theme for Chair Sarah Aline’s party.

The director said it was fake news and even sent a message to actress Giovanna Ewbank, who complained about the alleged obstruction of the subject.

I come here to listen to bullshit. I read today that Giovanna Ewbank is concerned and criticizing TV Globo’s decision not to throw a party for Sarah. Well, whoever broke the news is fake. They don’t have the slightest idea what we produce, or they stop production Cute

“I’m not going to come and discuss anything, but guys it’s cool, let’s relax, let’s have fun. That’s what Big Brother is for. We have to understand that 90% of what is in Big Brother is fake news. Gio, check it out. Kisses my love,” he added.

In the video’s caption, the show’s director also explained that the actress should have spoken to him directly.

“Guys, FAKE NEWS is the most annoying thing in the world! Let’s take responsibility before disclosing and criticizing. Dear friend Giovanna Ewbank, just call me and ask,” he wrote.

Giovanna then replied to Boninho, thanking him for the clarification. The actress took the opportunity to ask about the presence of Big Boss on her Quem Pode, Pod podcast.

Genius! I love you for that, Boninho! Like I said… I was hoping it was just a misunderstanding. And foil! A Next time I’ll call you (but answer me) and rock this Queen Sarah’s party!!! Oh and come on “Quem Pode, Pod” to give us real BBB spoiler big boss Giovanna Ewbank

“Don’t be mad at us!!! A thousand kisses,” said the director.

What happened?

  • This afternoon, the Central Reality profile, which covers BBB affairs on Twitter, stated that Globo would not be hosting the Leader Sarah Aline party.
  • Later, the information was confirmed by Sarah’s team on social networks. The sister had previously been an executive, but during Turbo Week. She didn’t have a party.

syringes went to Globo to understand what had happened, but got no answer.

At the beginning of the evening, the team issued a note informing them that the party would be held with Líder’s chosen theme.

The celebration will be inspired by the culture of the African continent, with decorations and costumes by Líder to the same tune, Gshow revealed.

The African royal party will have elements related to the leader’s ancestors, with a throne and a special and unique gift: an artwork made with her image.

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