Boris Johnson’s dream and Queen Elizabeth’s joke: “Was he naked?”

LONDON – September 8th marks the first anniversary of Elizabeth’s death.

Charles and Camilla attended the Highland Games this weekend, a showcase of traditional Scottish sports that the Queen loved. For the occasion, the king wore a kilt made of the material that bears his name.

Elizabeth would have appreciated it, although she might have been taken aback, that Boris Johnson, her former prime minister and now a columnist for the Mail, used the occasion to reveal some jokes they had collected during their weekly meetings.

Like the time he confessed to her that he had a dream about being late and she replied, “Oh yeah, of course,” and “Was he naked in the dream?”

“It’s strange,” Johnson emphasized, “how often I think about the Queen, even though it’s been a year since her death.” He thinks about her almost every day, he confessed.

Despite his affection for Elizabeth, Johnson has once again mixed his undeniable natural effervescence with a small infraction: the prime ministers are not talking about the hearings with the sovereign. Throughout history it has always been this way.

When Johnson remained silent about the “Queen’s personal opinions,” he wanted to commemorate her indescribable memory with the names of statesmen and battles and their charisma. “Being in her company made it easy to understand why Churchill had a crush on her or why Obama drank late into the night with her.”