Born divided USA divided over Ukraines accession World War feared

Born divided, USA divided over Ukraine’s accession: World War feared. Sweden also blocked

Born Splits. The request for Zelensky Joining the Alliance drew mixed reactions within the Alliance. Not everyone in Washington agrees. And according to Politico, a rift has emerged between US lawmakers. When the President of the House of Representatives was asked United States When supporting Kiev’s bid to join NATO, Nancy Pelosi responded that the US is “very committed to democracy Ukraine“.


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Born divided, afraid of nuclear war

Many Western officials fear that if Kyiv Becoming a full member of NATO would not only provoke Russia, but also draw Washington and Moscow into direct war. The alliance charter states that an attack on one member is considered an attack on the entire alliance. And the only time this principle was applied was after the September 11 terrorist attacks against the United States. However, to join the alliance, the unanimous consent of all 30 member states is required.

Nations for and against

Few nations have spoken positively about Ukraine’s NATO accession. And these are: Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Slovakia. The others? Wait. But they cannot be positive. Also because the same thing is happening in Sweden and Finland these days.

Finland and Sweden have stalled

It is only Turkey and Hungary. But until they agree, neither Sweden nor Finland will be able to join NATO. However, Erdogan was clear: There will be no positive statement as long as the previously agreed promises of the two countries are not kept. For Sweden, it is about extraditing a certain number of Kurds whom the Turkish regime classifies as members of terrorist organizations. Therefore, Stockholm’s move to lift the arms export ban to Istanbul is not enough.