Born of Bread: Crispy (PC, PS5, Switch) – MaXoE

Many publishers/developers regularly draw inspiration from great video game works when creating their titles. In addition, one of them is often used: Paper Mario, both because of the visual aspects of the characters made of “very thin paper” and because of the gameplay, which is clearly oriented towards role-playing, which was the case, for example, with Paper Mario – The Millennium Door ( Gamecube opus, which will also benefit from a release on Switch next year). If we talk to you specifically about this series, it is because the independent software from the Wild Arts studio, also known as Born of Bread, draws many ideas from its model, but obviously brings its own story and universe.

Born of Bread Crispy PC PS5 Switch – MaXoE

Founded in 2016, the Wild Arts Studios team is made up of French Canadians. The studio's goal is very simple: it dreams of creating fantastic worlds, pleasant gameplay, but also impressive characters throughout the video game world. If Born of Bread is their second game, a love letter to the RPG genre and logically inspired by the very famous Paper Mario series but also by Undertale, in 2016 when there were only two of them they made Helltown a horror game was released the following year.

Of course, today we are talking to you about their second software: the adventure of Tipain, a creature born straight from the oven. An adventure that benefits from lovable and expressive characters, a lot of humor and puns, but also from a well-constructed universe with a more developed background than it might seem at first glance.

Got something to do

Young Tipain was barely born. In fact, thanks to a recipe from a mysterious book, Papa Dufourneau, cook at the royal court, gave birth – without meaning to – to a mixture of flour, water, yeast and salt.

At the same time, four scientists accidentally awaken evil forces by putting teenagers – led by Fripon – into a long sleep. The latter are looking for solar stone shards to bring their master back and use them to mistreat the world.

Tipain, Papa Dufourneau and the infidels quickly meet and a fight begins. Later, after a few adventures and a friendly encounter (with Lindt, a raccoon), the queen imprisons and accuses Papa Dufourneau of “treason/witchcraft.” As a “son” (and a little because it is our duty), Tipain must restore the truth but also prevent the Rogue Gang from causing harm.

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Old fashioned bread

As we have already indicated, Born of Bread takes inspiration from software like Undertale, but the ones that come to mind most quickly are the Paper Mario works with their particular charm, the 2D/3D (Way 2, 5D) mixes without forgetting the dynamics of turn-based combat.

So we are faced with an adventure game, a role-playing game, divided into two large, distinct phases: on the one hand, exploration with side quests, research, etc. and, on the other hand, confrontations, without forgetting the specifics of preparation conducive to (J) are. RPGs (skills to assign, etc.) among others.

As for the exploration axis, Tipain and his allies wander through several interconnected environments/biomes (forests, cities, etc.), the latter consisting of several also interconnected sections (or zones). This very widespread system also allows you to advance calmly, discovering and solving some very accessible and pleasant puzzles, going in search of “salamanders” (a duo linked to a specific character that allows you to unlock abilities for confrontations ) and hit with a ladle in the elements of the decor, especially to find out “currency” or even find secrets,…

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But that's not all, of course, because in addition to the available shops, various side quests are included, including enemies visible on the ground or even blocked sections that require a new capacity; And without mentioning all the functionalities, Tipain can perform jumps used in a level design, taking advantage of verticality and therefore platforming phases.

However, due to the location of the camera, the perspective will play tricks on you and there will be several falls (some inaccuracies), so you will have to try several times to find the right angle. Of course, as is often the case, you'll get used to it over time, but perhaps less so because the camera's field of view obscures everything in the foreground; Since the game sections are in 2.5D with a certain depth, it is not uncommon for you to accidentally fall underneath, into water or into a hole and cause damage.

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With the magic wand

Of course, to be able to regenerate yourself, there is the solution of using consumables, either during confrontations – but losing a turn for doing so – or directly via the associated menu in the consumables management area. On the other hand, we would rather warn you: Tipain initially only has five spaces in its bag, and if you find an object on the ground during your wanderings, it will logically be moved inside.

However, once you reach the maximum number of transportable items, you have to discard one to get the next one, and have no direct use of the most recently collected consumables or even a “quick swap”. Unless a future patch is planned, at the moment there is a bit of a lack of “practicality” in going through the menu every time and regularly to throw, hoard, throw, hoard, even if it is possible, the maximum number of transportable objects to increase through battles (via level up and several “buffers”).

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In addition, like a classic role-playing game, we have different types of attack and defense aids. Strictly speaking, it's not about equipment – although there is a level-up and statistics function – but about skills, weapons and blessings. As for the latter, similar to temporary faculties, equipping them allows you to assign – in limited numbers – certain bonuses (extra SP, etc.) from about fifty choices.

As for the skills/abilities that can be unlocked through combat, they are not acquired as is usual in the RPG genre. Well, yes, you need a certain threshold of skill points to acquire them, except here these points are obtained by finding and bringing “Salamanders” to a specific character. You then unlock the techniques in the order of your choice to either immediately gain more options or vary the locations you have already received. In other words, techniques that lie next to others (on the same line) must be “rigged” to be used and cannot be combined, creating a welcome touch of reflection. just like for the location of Tipain's weapons. The latter must be meticulously “arranged” in a Tetris-style “panel”, or even in the optics of manipulating what could be done with the weapons (the main weapons) of the very good Resonance of Fate.

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Multiply the loaves

Once this preparation has occurred and the fight against an opponent takes place or not, a transition to combat occurs. Specifically, many things will remind you of the Paper Mario installments – from which the software is inspired as a memory – and the Mario & Luigi role-playing game works. However, while most will appreciate the fact that it doesn't get bogged down in detail, others may find it a little too close to its original.

During their turn, our protagonists can escape in teams of two, attack (and use techniques in exchange for CP), defend, use items (understand consumables), and special abilities (abilities that require PR); Know that all actions except consumables (i.e. items) are performed dynamically, in the sense that, like the games mentioned above, you have to execute various commands to amplify the effects: press at the right time, hammer a key, etc … You can already see a concept, but it still works just as well.

In addition, not to mention everything, we find a system of weaknesses related to elemental effects (flame, snow, etc.) and the weapon types (sharp, piercing and blunt), but also a derivative of “spectators”, the bonuses award/penalties that can be seen in Paper Mario, for example. Here they are replaced by a “live stream”. Understand that the more “viewers” ​​you have and the more you respect their wishes (like in Atelier Ryza, for example), the more bonuses you can get.

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Beautiful like good bread

For the visual representation, Born of Bread therefore uses a mix of 2D for the characters and 2.5D for the settings. As in a Paper Mario work, the 2D characters are made of very thin, colorful paper, but are also very expressive in terms of facial expressions, which partially compensates for the complete lack of synchronization.

The 2.5D aspect turns out to be more “classic” with the discovery of locations with familiar themes (forest, snow, etc.) but which remain very well modeled, in addition colorful, pleasant to the retina with beautiful details and multiple animations. Furthermore, the menus of the title – which serve as a “logbook” – remain in harmony with the whole, at the same time accessible, full of colors and equipped with some children's drawings that are representative of the soul of the very young Tipin.

Finally, since dubbing is not included, the text elements are written in French. The approximately fifty compositions were created by Robert Kilpatrick. These sound themes accompany the adventures that Tipain experiences very well.

Tested on PS5

Inspired by a successful franchise, it made sense, for good or bad reasons, to compare Born of Bread to its famous role model. However, Wild Arts Studios' title benefits from a beautiful universe, lovable characters, an interesting scenario with lots of puns and humor, and general gameplay (including combat) that is classic but still works really well. In short, Born of Bread has the beautiful taste of “old breads” and, unlike its main inspiration, is also accessible on multiple platforms. Current rating: 7.7/10.