Branko and Paolo Fox horoscope for the week of September

Branko and Paolo Fox’s horoscope for today, Tuesday, January 10, 2023, the complete zodiac sign up reverse reverse


The predictions for this sign this week suggest that your mission will finally be to figure out how to become more efficient in all your fields. Avoid comparing yourself to those around you and cross off your agenda whatever you put off in order to achieve it. You will advance a lot and feel great satisfaction at the end of your days. Aries, you will be quick-tempered and unresponsive, so today it may be useful for you to go through a process of introspection and learn to live with yourself. Aries, it’s important to devote time to yourself so that others will want to devote it to you too.


Uranus visits this sign. Chances are you didn’t start the year as well as you expected, but that means new challenges await. It’s time to let go and move forward. Use this week to reflect and put down on paper what is really good for you and what is not. Switch off the filter of reason and give room to creativity, that’s your strength. In the sentimental sphere, you will have a great desire to express feelings and you will show yourself to be affectionate, close and open, even if family again becomes a great pillar and you want to spend most of your time with them.


According to the stars, your year 2023 begins this week. Renewals are ahead and the need to change large parts of your life. You will only have a problem if you act impulsively as usual. You can do it, but take it one step at a time. Take the time to make a good choice and the choices will be reflected in the months to come. You are about to pass out and there is no cosmic energy to fix it. Although the first full moon in 2023 will give you a moment of clarity to see things clearly and know what is priority in your life.


Make a good assessment of what you wish for this year 2023. It’s a week of feeling down because of the difficult year you’ve come through. You like your reality, but your inside wants to go more. Transform, edit, shift and remove this energy that sometimes stagnates as it will flow that way. You will find everything you are looking for. The influence of the first full moon in 2023 will not be entirely positive for you, Libra, at least experientially. Your insecurities won’t go away, they’ll get bigger, but nothing that intense social activity can’t fix. Exactly what you wanted.


According to the stars, this zodiac sign will make the most of 2023. Just this week is essential for you to organize your priorities. To have a good year, the first step is to write down all your intentions and then analyze where you want to go next. This way you can work off any loose ends you have. Without haste and without stopping. It’s time to grow up and behave like that, to start projects that are coming to an end and that make you feel really fulfilled and satisfied. So it reminds you of the first full moon of 2023 and so are the positive energies coming to you from the stars.


Love will be the yardstick this year, but love with yourself. Stop being pessimistic and change that way of thinking and then acting. Remember that bad thoughts attract health and you need to take care of them. It’s time to trust and delegate. A January when the universe will tell you that you will know who is good for you and which path to take. Take advantage of the fact that the energy of the first full moon in 2023 will calm your vehemence to verbalize whatever is on your mind that you are afraid to disclose. You will be thoughtful throughout the day today and you will want to be surrounded by your loved ones for strength.


Mercury retrograde is coming in this week so clear a lot out of everything. It’s about dealing with what hurt you in 2022 and putting the cards right again. The goal is to renew energy and not think that others are responsible for everything. The movements have served you to recognize them and now they will be essential for harmonization. Today will be a conflicted day and you will have to fight battles with those around you, battles that you have prepared for years and will emerge more than victorious, at least as the full moon dictates. Be careful though victory will leave a bad taste in your mouth.


This week starts perfectly to raise your voice. You have to give yourself your space and not let anyone step on you. Stop by to start crafting what you’re looking for. The only suggestion is that once and for all he says what he wants and what he doesn’t want. Get the most of what you have saved and you will start to see the difference around you. Work can never be ahead Scorpio because your health is so much more important. The first full moon of 2023 invites you to experiment, let your imagination run wild, create… The renewing energies of the lunar influence are restoring in Scorpio the desire to create from nothing and the gift of knowing how doing well.


The stars are telling you to try to keep a low profile this week, both in daily life and at work. The aim is to avoid collisions because the risk will be great. Pause to think about everything you’ve been working on in your head and reflect to define your priorities. There will be moments of happiness that you must take advantage of, but all at the right time. Uncertainty has overwhelmed you and the stars will not stop helping you. Take the day of the first full moon in 2023 as a day of reflection and let it and Mercury retrograde dispel your doubts and give you the energy you need to make a decision.


Incredible experiences lie ahead in this solar return. It will be an unforgettable start to the week. To do this, you need to be more alert and wake up. Yes, Capricorns need to wake up this year and follow their intuition for more fears than they create. Bring out your adventurous spirit and explore other horizons. If you don’t move, nothing will come near you. Beware of romantic relationships, because feelings that seemed forgotten may blossom again. It’s time to get excited again, regain confidence and focus all your energies on professional growth, independent of anything but you. We can see that the first full moon of 2023 is scary for you, Capricorn.


It’s a fundamental week in learning to let go of the feelings that make you sensitive. Don’t get so stuck on a single thought and be more flexible with yourself. Don’t get bogged down with the usual and open yourself to new possibilities, this will help you move faster this year and achieve good results throughout January. If you are already shining with your own light because you are a zodiac sign that everyone would like to be around, today the stars make you one of the happiest zodiac signs with the positive energy of the first full moon of 2023. the most.


It’s going to be a very good week, but it’s all in your hands. It’s time to sit in the present, observe a lot going on around you, and think before you speak. When it comes to work, you need to make sure every decision counts for the next few months. Don’t hesitate to add to your list of resolutions for this year 2023 the small actions you have pending, throughout the year you will come out of it much stronger. Pisces will gain some much-needed confidence and begin to value themselves, not just with others but in front of themselves. The energy of the full moon, belied by Mercury retrograde, causes Pisces to also loosen some of the ties that keep it immobile.