1693279700 brave dove

brave dove

brave dove

At Paloma del Río’s exciting farewell last Sunday, Almudena Cid said many retired athletes – including her – were making videos of their own exploits “to feel competent again in the face of life’s tragedies.” “And there you are. You are now, you were, and you will be.” Because I’m not an athlete—retired or active—I sometimes see a YouTube video where she shares some of the most serious failures in rhythmic gymnastics summed up and told about her. He has, for example, those of poor Kapranova; and a terrible reprimand from Irina Víner. There is no complaining from my side, on the contrary. Paloma’s punchy “There he goes!” and Goodbye!” in the face of mistakes comfort me. I wish they would be there with me every time I made a mistake, like they have been with me in front of the TV all my life .

Paloma del Río attended classes with Vicente Vallés, Teresa Viejo and Ángela Rodicio and was the one with the best grades. He told Buenafuente that he needed to graduate with honors in order to pay for the degree. I worked nights as a clinical assistant, slept four hours in the morning and went to class in the afternoon. Even the courses for sports judges were attended to understand how they score and to be able to say it better.

Excellence, perseverance, rigor … are qualities discredited by salespeople disguised as entrepreneurs who mention them without smelling them. But while we improve circumstances, they are the only ID for those who have nothing. And often not even that. It has served Paloma well and thanks to that we have been able to enjoy it for 37 years. “When I die, I want to leave my square foot a little bit better than I found it,” she usually says. In your newly inaugurated retirement: Thank you Paloma for the immense shockwave of this square meter.

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