Brazil is the second worst country in the world to

Brazil is the second worst country in the world to drive a car

According to a study, the poor quality of roads and high congestion are one of the main problems.

Slow traffic in both directions on Avenida 23 de Maio.

Brazil is the second worst in the world for drivers. The country is second only to Russia, which is first in the world rankings.

This is shown by a study by the discount coupon platform with data from the OECD and Compare The Market.

4 factors were taken into account to develop the ranking: the cost of maintaining the car in relation to income, the level of congestion, the road quality index and the road fatality rate.

The worst countries to drive

Russia is the worst country in the world to go to. The country has the worst road quality index (2.9) and the worst congestion rate (37%) among all countries. In addition, the mortality rate is one of the highest (12). The combination of these three factors puts the country at the top of the ranking.


Brazil follows in second place, mainly due to poor road quality (3.1) and high road mortality (16.0 per 100,000 inhabitants). In addition, high congestion density (28%) and high maintenance costs relative to income (26%) were relevant factors that put the country second on the list.

Next in the ranking of the worst countries are Mexico, South Africa and Ireland.

The best countries to drive

Denmark is the best driving country in the world. The country has one of the lowest road fatality rates, just 3.7 per 100,000 people. In addition to quality roads (5.5) and low congestion (18%).

The United States is second in the ranking, mainly due to low congestion (14%) and low maintenance costs (the lowest of any country).

The Netherlands, Portugal and France complete the ranking of the top 5 countries in each case.

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