Brazil Violent knife attack on journalist convicted

| Brazil: Violent knife attack on journalist convicted

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Gabriel Luiz, investigative journalist for TV Globo.

BRAZILIA, April 15 (RHC) Brazilian press organizations this Friday denied the violent knife attack suffered by investigative journalist Gabriel Luiz, 28, and a reporter from TV Globo in that capital, where he remains hospitalized.

The pro was stabbed about 10 times last night by two strangers in a parking lot near his home in southwest Brasilia.

The Brazilian Radio and Television Associations (Abert), the Brazilian Press Association (ABI), the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji) and the National Association of Journalists (Fenaj) are some of the institutions opposed to the aggression.

They all require a quick and correct investigation of the context. In a statement, Fenaj calls for “those responsible to be identified and punished”.

She reiterates “her rejection of violence, particularly towards press professionals who play the important role of bringing truthful information to society.”

Abraji and ABI also condemned the violence and Abert, after expressing his solidarity with Luiz’s family and friends and wishing him a speedy recovery, calls for “a rigorous investigation into the case by the local authorities, with the identification and punishment of those responsible”. .

As a result of the attack, the reporter had perforations on various parts of his body and was admitted to the Federal District Base Hospital, where he underwent surgery.

Last night he received multiple stab wounds in his neck, abdomen, chest and leg. He also has wounds in his stomach, lungs, pancreas, and diaphragm.

According to the latest medical bulletin, Luiz is “in a serious but stable condition in the immediate postoperative period.” He claims to be conscious and to have received a visit from his father.

Police said they are not ruling out any possible cause of the attack.

A report on violence against journalists and freedom of the press in Brazil/2021 shows an increase in attacks compared to the previous year. In this calendar there were 430, two more than in the previous one.

For his part, Fenaj revealed on Jan. 27 that President Jair Bolsonaro alone was responsible for 147 cases (34.19 percent of the total reported in 2021). Including 129 cases of discrediting of the press and 18 of verbal attacks on reporters.

The association’s president, Maria José Braga, warned that violence against journalism not only affects professionals, but also the free dissemination of information, public opinion and democracy.

The union warns of a possible escalation of violent attacks on communicators in 2022, the year of the general election (October) in which Bolsonaro wants to be re-elected. (Source:PL)