Brazilian disappears on beach in Portugal after entering sea

Brazilian disappears on beach in Portugal after entering sea

Photo: Photo: Correio da Manhã

A young Brazilian, identified as Shelber Antunes, aged 25, disappeared Tuesday afternoon 18th after entering the sea at Praia Velha in Ovar, Portugal. According to the Portuguese newspaper Correio da Manhã, he would have started swimming next to a friend but could not get out.

According to the publication, the search for the young man, who has a 5yearold son in Brazil, resumed this Wednesday, the 19th. The friend, also a Brazilian, who was swimming alongside Antunes, made it out of the sea get.

The fire brigade was triggered by a person who was in the sand and witnessed the whole situation. The searches began on Tuesday afternoon but were halted in the evening.

“Although it’s summer days, the sea is calm [como no] Winter. Sometimes, for lack of knowledge, mainly from the part of people who are used to calmer waters, people go into the sea thinking that nothing will happen. But the sea is very strong,” said Vítor Conceição, Commander of the Captain of the Port of Aveiro.

The friend who managed to get out of the sea was rescued while still in the sand and then taken to the regional hospital. A ship, 3 jet skis and a Luftwaffe helicopter are involved in the search for the young man.

Source: Editora Terra