Brazilian Labor Party approves coalition with Socialists and Lula

| Brazilian Labor Party approves coalition with Socialists and Lula Alckmin formula

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Photo: web.

Brasilia, April 13 (RHC) – The Workers’ Party (PT) of Brazil this Wednesday approved the coalition with the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) and former Sao Paulo Governor Geraldo Alckmin as the electoral duo of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva . .

At a meeting, the PT first approved the formation of a federation of parties with the Brazilian Communist Party and the Green Party and that the alliance’s proposed statute and letter program be presented to both political organizations.

He officially confirmed Alckmin of the PSB as the vice presidential candidate to formulate the formula that Lula will spearhead in October’s elections.

In the text of the resolution, the PT points out that in the elections there will be two clearly controversial projects: that of democracy and that of fascism.

He specifies that Lula’s candidacy at the democratic pole has real opportunities to unite the majority of society around a program of confrontation and substitution of neoliberal and privatization policies.

Likewise, the affirmation of sovereignty and the politics of sustainable growth with social justice, the restoration of the rights and gains of the working class, and the resumption of human, collective and individual rights.

In short, he notes, “a program capable of bringing peace and prosperity to the Brazilian people.”

The organization also announces that its policy of alliances and electoral tactics, currently in the process of being constructed, will receive final approval at the national convention on June 4-5.

These, he argues, point to the political expansion needed to defeat far-right President Jair Bolsonaro in what will be the most difficult electoral process since the country’s redemocratization.

In addition to strengthening popular sector unity, the party insists that “we must try to expand support for Lula in other political and social sectors of the democratic sphere.”

Finally, the PT points out that the national coalition with the PSB, which Alckmin officially presented for the duo with Lula, will be an important step in this direction and will reaffirm the will of a future government to “implement a program of reconstruction and transformation of Brazil, Expanding our social base”.

To date, the former president is leading all opinion polls heading towards the vote that will see Bolsonaro seek re-election. (source: Latin Press).