Brazilian MPs visit El Salvador praise security results Infodefensacom

Brazilian MPs visit El Salvador, praise security results

A delegation of seven Brazilian MPs visited El Salvador and highlighted the security results achieved by the Government of El Salvador Nayib Bukele.

In this sense, the Federal Representative of Brazil, Eduardo Bolsonaro, pointed out the results achieved by El Salvador in the field of security. The Brazilian lawmaker was part of the delegation of seven parliamentarians who visited the Central American country to learn about the issue Center for Countering Terrorism (Cecot) and all security policies implemented in the last four years.

In addition, he reiterated that President Bukele has 90% approval among the population and that the security measures implemented with the territorial control plan and the emergency regime have allowed El Salvador to record more than 500 days without killings during his term in office, which is also the case More than 75,000 suspected criminals, mostly gang members, were arrested.

Security strategies

The implementation of security strategies, the reform of regulations so that criminals do not leave prisons, the equalization of powers and the dignity of the security forces are some of the aspects that Bolsonaro highlighted as Bukele's achievements for the Savior's transformation.

“What Nayib Bukele did is everything we proposed in terms of security congress Brazilian. The mentality is the same: incarcerated criminals do not commit crimes in society. As criminal liability increases, the criminal's economic theory becomes more dangerous for him to commit a crime. Bukele did it by electing a group of like-minded parliamentarians and, in particular, purging the radical left in the elections,” Bolsonaro said.

The MP stressed that thanks to the emergency regime, El Salvador has gone from being the most violent country in the world in 2015 to being a benchmark in terms of security, rivaling Switzerland in the number of murders per 100,000 inhabitants.

“Today, if a police officer finds a suspected mafia member, he can detain him for up to six months, the time during which the prosecutor must present the first evidence against the defendant. The rule is that the defendant responds to the case arrested (in Brazil the opposite is the case). Between criminals and good people, El Salvador today takes care of good citizens. That's why in Brazil there are criminals with criminal records walking around the block every day and getting arrested countless times; no longer in El Salvador,” he added.