Brigitte Bardot quotI will not die Muslimquot

Brigitte Bardot: "I will not die, Muslim"

“I would have once said that I didn’t want to live in an Islamized France. Today I say that I do not want to die in an Islamized France!” It is Brigitte Bardot, the most radiant diva of French cinema, an absolute icon of female beauty, who raises a cry of alarm in the pages of the weekly newspaper Valeurs Actuelles. In this time of moralism and correctism, of Puritan crusades and summary trials, BB has something to offer for everyone, she who was the symbol of joy of life and lightheartedness: from Islam to wokism, from Macron to Pope Francis to the neo-feminists and all those who contribute to the deconstruction of France and its deterioration. “We are in complete decadence, we are losing all our achievements in favor of a dirty, mediocre and dangerous everyday life for the reputation of our beautiful country,” says Bardot, referring in particular to the events in the crime news in which a professor of letters at a high school School in Arras, whose throat was butchered by a radicalized student, and a German tourist on holiday who was killed in front of his wife. “The murderers are often of Islamic origin and claim it!” Unfortunately, most of them are Français de Papier (immigrants who only have a French document, editor's note) and often psychopaths.

“We should subject all arriving migrants to a psychiatric examination before granting them the right to asylum and French nationality,” explains the actress, who says the problem is “Islam in general, the Islamist invasion, which are frighteningly dangerous for French identity .” and culture.” “It is disgusting for animals, for Catholics of culture and denomination, and proud of it she had a small chapel built in her residence, the Garrigue, “decorated with all the beautiful things that people sent me that I found in Rome.” belonged to my parents. It is my sanctuary of peace and meditation,” says Bardot. Faced with the de-Christianization actions of numerous left-wing mayors this Christmas season, in which nativity scenes were removed and Wokist-style decorations were installed, the étoile of French cinema comments in the following words: “It is another novelty born from the sick brains of ours Contemporaries who pollute everything that is beautiful, pure and true in order to modernize and globalize traditional and traditional values. Wokism is a ridiculous trend. I do not accept that the sublime be tarnished and ridiculed.”

He never had a good opinion of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron. And he repeated it in the interview with Valeurs Actuelles. “Macron is incompetent in everything that concerns France, towards its people and its animals (…). The record is terrible in every way. If only Macron had a little empathy, a sense of humanity and respect for life and his fellow citizens. The French are going through a terrible time, pensioners have no money left, people don't know where to sleep, and he is offering immigrants an avalanche of money, that's a scandal. “He is removed from reality, he only thinks about Europe and doesn’t care about France,” attacks the actress. Bardot is even stricter towards Pope Francis, who wants to “inscribe Christian roots in the constitution” and sees Saint Francis of Assisi as her lighthouse, her guide. “I can not see it. It is very damaging to the church. I adored John Paul II, I remember our wonderful meeting, unique, very warm, he was not a politician at all. I will never meet the current Pope,” assures BB, saying that Francis has “a hellish side” that seems like the “representative of the devil.” “He doesn’t concern himself with Eastern Christians and never talks about them. When I found out that his name would be Francesco, I said to myself with hope: If he chose that name, it was because he loved animals. I sent him a letter to congratulate him and thank him for choosing this name in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi. After all, I was hoping that he would do more to improve the fate of animals in the world, but he never answered me. I sent him another letter and one of his servants responded by thanking me and saying blah blah. So I think ungg is also very rude,” said the French diva.

As Giampiero Mughini, the prince of the Italian Bardottomans, rightly said: “She has done more for the liberation and emancipation of women than all the more or less tasteless conferences of career feminists of the last thirty years.” And she did it at a time when Freedoms had to be conquered for a woman. Her appearance with her defiant manner, her cheerful immodesty, her uninhibited attitude destroyed the image of women that existed until the early 1950s. “I am against all militant feminists. Their fight is ridiculous and serves no purpose. “I’m a masculinist,” BB says today. Who describes himself as “right-wing” and believes that, despite the numerous difficulties in France, not everything is lost. “France is screwed right now, but it can be reborn from its ashes.” Than? With the union of the right, the Rassemblement National of the young Jordan Bardella, the Reconquête of the former Figaro journalist Éric Zemmour and the Républicains of the emerging liberal leader David Lisnard. “They are all impressive, but what are they waiting for to finally create a strong union of the right that can put France back on the right track?” Separately, they will not be able to do anything.”