1706515705 British base jumper dies in Thailand after his parachute failed

British base jumper dies in Thailand after his parachute failed to open

Nathy Odinson, a base jumper, died in Thailand after jumping from a tower when his parachute failed to open Nathy Odinson, a base jumper, died in Thailand after jumping from a tower when his parachute failed to open

Nathy Odinson, a base jumper, died in Thailand after jumping from a tower when his parachute failed to open

THAILAND – His parachute failed to deploy. A 33-year-old British base jumper died in Thailand on Saturday night after falling from a tower at a seaside resort in Pattaya. Nathy Odinson had jumped from this place several times before, but this time tragedy struck, the circumstances of which were not known at the time.

“Three, two, one, goodbye,” says the thirty-year-old, then jumps into a video filmed by a Thai friend with whom he climbed the building. In these images circulating on social networks, we see Nathy Odinson performing a spin, then his rescue parachute appears to wrap around him.

According to witnesses, the base jumper hit a tree and then suddenly landed on the ground. He died instantly.

“They made videos for social media. They had done this before and knew it was unauthorized,” a security guard at the building boarded told the local press, quoted by Le Parisien.

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